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Creating LODs for FUS

A few things are impoartant when you want to create your own LODs.

Now, lets go through the process.

Deletion of current LOD files

If you want to maintain the structure of FUS with the three settings, you can replace the old files with the new ones, by deleting the content of the existing mods first. To delete the currently created LOD files, you need to delete the content of 3 folders (inside FUS\mods). NOTE: do not delete the folder itself, only what is inside. We are reusing these folders and the names matter for the load order.

NOTE: Most likely you do NOT want to delete xLODGen_Output. It is only necessary to do this if you change the landscape textures.

These three mods for LODs exist in FUS:

DynDOLOD_Output (low - mid - high, depending on which option you used. You can delete all, just to be sure).


The first lod files we create are the xlodgen files. This is terrain LODs. If you have not updated the landscape, you do not need this. To create them, you will need to download xLODGen and set it up in MO2, we cannot ship FUS with this tool.

We are using these settings:


Make sure you select all the worldspaces and make sure you update the values for all 4 lod settings. We are only using Terrain LODs.

After this has ran, copy the output and paste it into the xLODGen_Output. Alternatively, you can just zip the folder and drag&drop it into MO2 and install as a new mod directly below the previous xLODGen_Output. Disable the old one and enable the new one.


This will create LOD textures for us. You will need to download the latest DynDOLOD 3 and unpack it into the tools folder in the FUS MO2 folder. You also need the required files (DynDOLOD Resources and DynDOLOD DLL NG). We cannot ship this as it gets updated and old versions cannot run anymore. Then run TexGen64 in MO2, then follow these settings:


Feel free to test different texture sizes. We are focusing on performance and find that these settings work fine. What you should be aware of is that we are using BC3 compression. This is strongly recommended for VR.

When this has finished running, place the output into Texgen_output. Alternatively, you can just zip the folder and drag&drop it into MO2 and install as a new mod directly below the previous Texgen_output. Disable the old one and enable the new one.


This will create the final LODs. It requires an up-to-date TexGen. Run DynDOLODx64 in MO2, then select Advanced >>>, then you have three presets provided by us:

  • Low: uses low standard DynDOLOD settings and billboard tree LODs
  • Mid: uses medium standard DynDOLOD settings and performance 3D tree LODs -> FUS default option
  • High: uses high standard DynDOLOD settings and quality 3D tree LODs -> very performance-intensive, only recommended for high-end PCs

To get these presets, just press Load preset at the bottom left of the DynDOLOD Advanced window. The presets are stored in FUS\tools\DynDOLOD_Presets_FUS. You do not have to change anything else, these presets work fine for the FUS list. If you added things to the world and find them missing in the LODs after you ran DynDOLOD, you can recreate the presets for your current load order by newly loading the DynDOLOD rules of your choice and setting the rules for trees and mountains (bottom of the rule window) like we have it in our preset of your choice.

After this has ran, copy the output and paste it into the DynDOLOD_Output folder of your choice. Alternatively, you can just zip the folder and drag&drop it into MO2 and install as a new mod directly below the previous DynDOLOD_Output. Disable the old one and enable the new one. Press F5 to update MO2, and make sure that DynDOLOD_Output is an active mod before going to the next step.

Synthesis Patcher

Every time you create new LODs and every time you change anything in the weather setup or anything that touches cells, then you should also rerun Synthesis with the patchers of your desired profile enabled:


First, disable the Synthesis.esp plugin at the bottom of your load order in the plugins, then run Synthesis, then enable the plugin again. It automatically overwrites the previous Synthesis.esp file.

Always make 100% sure that Synthesis.esp loads at the very very last in your load order. Literally the very end, no exceptions!