homework_11_rc_circuits - KurtRudolph/phys212 GitHub Wiki

RC Circuits


The switch [S] in the circuit shown below has been open for a long time when, at time [t = 0], it is closed. The values of the circuit elements are: [V = 12.0 V, R_1 = 110.0 \Omega, R_2 = 220.0 \Omega, R_3 = 330.0 \Omega, C_1 = 40.0 \mu F, C_2 = 80.0 \mu F].

What is [Q_{2final}], the charge on [C_2] a long time after the switch is closed?

[Q_{2final} =]

  • Voltage across a capacitor depends on the charge on the capacitor.
    • [V_C = \frac{ Q}{ C}]
  • Current goes to zero as the capacitors are charged.
  • The charge on the capacitors is equal.
  • [Q_2 = \frac{ \frac{ r_2 V}{ r_1 + r_2}}{ \frac{ 1}{ C_1} + \frac{ 1}{ C_2}}]

Two Loop RC Circuit 1

A circuit is constructed with four resistors, one capacitor, one battery and a switch as shown. The values for the resistors are: [R_1 = R_2 = 75.0 \Omega, R_3 = 64.0 \Omega, R4 = 61.0 \Omega]. The capacitance is [C = 48.0 \mu F] and the battery voltage is [V = 24.0 V].


The switch has been open for a long time when at time [t = 0], the switch is closed. What is [I_1( 0)], the magnitude of the current through the resistor [R_1] just after the switch is closed?

Two Loop RC Circuit 2

A circuit is constructed with four resistors, one capacitor, one battery and a switch as shown. The values for the resistors are: [R_1 = R_2 = 43.0 \Omega, R_3 = 112.0 \Omega, R_4 = 104.0 \Omega]. The capacitance is [C = 30.0 \mu F] and the battery voltage is [V = 12.0 V]. The positive terminal of the battery is indicated with a [+] sign.


The switch has been open for a long time when at time [t = 0], the switch is closed. What is [I_4( 0)], the magnitude of the current through the resistor [R_4] just after the switch is closed?

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