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16-04-2021 - v2.8.4

Updated Gradle and some deprecated methods. Compatibility check of the latest versions of Magisk, Riru core and Yahfa modules. Fixed other bugs.

09-02-2021 - v2.8.3

Required base Fixed a bug that prevented opening WhatsApp Fixed other bugs.

02-01-2021 - v2.8.2

Update expiration date. Fixed other bugs.

22-05-2020 - v2.8.1

Added again the option to hide the tabs independently. Fixed option to hide all tabs. Fixed the option that disabling KMod FWA from its settings prevented getting back into the application. Fixed other bugs.

12-05-2020 - v2.8.0

Added animated stickers. Restructured the interface icons section. Fixed interface and conversation icon settings (For a correct display, it's seen only when Android night mode is active). The custom ticks have been adapted again, but at the moment the color of the ticks received and read in conversation is not configurable. Fixed a bug in which audio notes with avatar activated forced WhatsApp to close. Fixed other bugs.

17-03-2020 - v2.7.9

Added again the option to copy messages without date or without the name of the contact. Added an option in the Settings menu, to disabled the module without restarting the device. Removed support for tinting the statusbar in versions lower Android 5. Disable tabs has been disabled until the code is corrected. From now on the lists to hide read confirmations from chats and states are not available, and the option to hide read will be the same for chats and states. Fixed some color bugs on the conversation screen. Fixed other errors.

31-10-2019 - v2.7.8

Added option to color the text of the menu tabs. Added again the menu to customize the main interface icons (it was disabled). Fixed bubble customization. Fixed the option to add the color to the application title. Corrected and restructured the code to assign colors to some sections of WhatsApp (like the status bar). Fixed access to the "About .." section. Fixed Toast of custom behavior. Fixed the Toast that hides the error in privacy. Fixed privacy option to hide contacts. Fixed a bug that prevented writing in groups. Fixed a bug that prevented displaying custom icons in the main menu. Fixed the problem of lag. Fixed the option to hide contacts and groups (if it doesn't work, delete and add contacts or groups again). Fixed some bugs on the conversation screen. Fixed option to hide tabs in versions higher than WhatsApp 2.19.289 Restructured the show/hide calls in conversation section, this created confusion with the new options.

30-09-2019 - v2.7.7

Added option to activate the permissive Linux SE mode in settings (Changes are applied when restarting showing a Toast, or entering KMod FWA). Fixed bubble customization. Fixed voice note bubble customization. Fixed privacy of hiding recording audio or writing. Fixed customization of some icons. Fixed other errors.

14-08-2019 - v2.7.6

Added all privacy options again. Now you can add a button on the conversations screen to make phone calls. Restructured the icons section within the Conversations section. New method to update libraries (Hooks). They are now updated by selecting the Update libraries option, in the Updates section. Removed the Clear cache option in Settings (Now use the Update libraries option). Removed the automatic update of Hooks when entering WhatsApp (It didn't work correctly on some devices). Removed swipe to respond option (it's already active by default). Removed option to activate Stickers (it's already active by default). Removed option to replace the call button of WhatsApp by telephone calls (a separate button was added). Removed personalization of some screens of the Settings section (for now). Fixed other errors.

24-03-2019 - v2.7.5

Extended KMod FWA expiration date. Disabled all features that use Hooks until solving the problem of compatibility with new versions.

28-11-2018 - v2.7.4

Added Polish language. Solved interface problems. Fixed the option to avoid the deletion of messages. Fixed privacy options. Other bugs fixed.

17-09-2018 - v2.7.3

Added swipe option to reply messages (from WhatsApp 2.18.282). Now with the option not to show updates when there is an update, the update toast will be displayed only twice, and not every time you enter WhatsApp. Fixed bug with background colors which show black color by default. Other bugs fixed.

16-09-2018 - v2.7.2

Added section to color background the cells of status, in the list of status. Optimization of the code, so that it loads the updates faster. The option always online was eliminated, for the moment it's not possible for it to work. Fixed the option to avoid the deletion of messages. The privacy option was corrected, hide audio recording and writing. Fixed icons of the call list. Other errors were corrected.

09-09-2018 - v2.7.1

Added option to customize the interface font. Added option to disable all tabs (except for chats). Now a warning will not be shown when a message has been deleted. Fixed option to avoid deleting messages (I was not working correctly on some devices). Fixed privacy option, hide recording audio and writing. Fixed tab button, now correctly shows the button according to the section. Fixed other errors.

12-07-2018 - v2.7.0

Added whitelist and blacklist for the option, hide reading confirmation. Added option to hide you've seen status, with whitelist and blacklist. Added icons for the section of the conversation screen. Added Romanian language. Restructuring of the Screen format of the conversations section. Deleted the Delete sent messages option, until the problem is solved. Solved interface problems.

14-05-2018 - v2.6.9

Updated expiration date.

13-03-2018 - v2.6.8

Added option to activate hidden function of Stickers. Added option to activate hidden group management function. Added option to activate hidden function to block the recording of voice messages. Personalization added to the new sections. Added option to show the reading receipts while you chat. Disabled option to copy date and name of conversations messages (until the problem is fixed). Corrected option to hide receipt of messages read (now also works with the states). Fixed problem that prevented opening WhatsApp with the latest Beta versions. The customization of the central date in last betas was corrected. Customization of the lists was corrected. Fixed other problems.

01-02-2018 - v2.6.7

Android SDK update to version 27. Added option to avoid the deletion of messages sent by your contacts. Added option to show the connection or disconnection of your contacts (It only works with the contacts in which you have entered a conversation when entering WhatsApp). Now when an option is broken, it will not break the other KMod FWA options. Now when you update KMod FWA, the Hooks will be updated automatically when you enter WhatsApp. Update to the latest Betas. Added Indonesian language. Correction of the option to delete messages of any date. Fixed other problems.

11-01-2018 - v2.6.6

Now you can activate/deactivate custom Toast. Fixed errors of the last betas.

06-01-2018 - v2.6.5

Added the option to change the floating messages (Toast) with the same appearance as KMod FWA. Now when you activate the option "Delete sent messages", you can delete messages of any date. Now when the option to hide the last connection is active, the privacy error Toast will not be displayed. Optimized the code of privacy options. Fixed privacy options. Correction of the personalization of the state in conversations.

13-12-2017 - v2.6.4

Added customization for the small Widget. Code revision, improvements, and bug fixes.

09-10-2017 - v2.6.3

Added support for Nougat. Fixed other errors.

04-10-2017 - v2.6.2

Added option to delete messages, up to five minutes after being sent. Added option to hide the Attach icon in the conversation screen. Fixed other errors.

28-09-2017 - v2.6.1

Fixed option to remove participants limit to groups. Fixed option to copy messages without dates and names. Fixed other errors.

21-09-2017 - v2.6.0

Added new color picker. Added option to copy messages without date and names. Added option to remove participants limit for groups. Fixed problem that always stayed online when you enabled hide the last connection. Fixed other errors.

08-09-2017 - v2.5.9

Added option to set photos in the state with the highest quality. Added option to increase the time of the videos of the state, up to 5 minutes (only visible in devices with this option active). Now the statusbar becomes the same color as the header (Android 5.0+). Deleted option to color the TAB in the conversations (until problem can be solved). Fixed problem of the highlight contacts option. Fixed problem of the option to deactivate the delivery report. Fixed other errors.

04-09-2017 - v2.5.8

Added option to send photos at the highest quality. Fixed privacy option to hide last connection. Fixed all lists, now displayed correctly. Fixed other errors.

25-08-2017 - v2.5.7

Added load screen for KMod FWA, this screen will display the time it takes to load the application (no extra time). Added again the option to hide last connection, but be able to see the connection of your contacts. Added icons in the status section. Now the Tabs called and states can be hidden independently. Added new privacy option, to hide contacts or groups in the list of chats (These will not be seen even when they send you messages.) New option of highlighting contacts and groups. Now you can choose up to 8 positions of colors, and in each position, as many contacts or groups as you want. Added option to perform searches of contacts or groups, in the two previous options. Restricted access to Android 7+ until Xposed will be fully functional for Nougat (currently does not work with resources). Removed support for versions lower than 2.17.287. Deleted section of error log. Now you have to check the errors in the Xposed registry. Fixed option to hide Tabs. Fixed privacy options. Optimization of the code. Fixed other errors.

02-06-2017 - v2.5.6

Added options to hide writing and recording audio in the privacy section. Added option to hide when connected from within WhatsApp. Added French language. Delete the privacy option to see the last connection of the others and hide the own, until problem solved. Delete KMod shortcut button from WhatsApp Settings, now accessed with the menu button on the main interface. Fixed other issues.

07-05-2017 - v2.5.5

Added 3 highlight for contacts. Fixed highlights for contact and group. Fixed the eye of the widget.

06-05-2017 - v2.5.4

Added option to hide only the status tab, states and calls or all tabs. Added Bubble in the "Send and Microphone" background of the chat screen. Added icons for new option of Pinned chat. Updated to latest versions of Google Play. Fixed the option for normal calls, now add the + symbol to make the calls correctly. Fixed the KMod FWA access button to start from the main menu. Now the button is kept even if you scroll through the tabs. Fixed several errors.

24-02-2017 - v2.5.3

Due to the changes made in the latest versions of WhatsApp, KMod doesn't work in version 2.17.x and higher. Now this update allows you to stay in WhatsApp 2.16.396 up to 2.16.399 without showing any update messages.

10-12-2016 - v2.5.2

Added avatars on screen conversation screen for contacts and groups (Groups will show the group icon, not the contact icon). Added option, to make normal calls instead of WhatsApp calls, from the call button on the conversation screen. Corrections for the latest beta versions of Google Play. Other corrections of errors.

10-12-2016 - v2.5.1

Now, when you save a theme, the privacy settings will not be saved to the theme. You can now hide your status online, in the WhatsApp widget or in the main screen of the module (it is configured in the privacy section). Security warning bubbles are now the same as custom bubbles (dates and warnings). Now the corners that are shown in the bubbles, when a link or a quote is displayed, are no longer displayed. Added GIF finder (2.16.353+) and server selector (2.16.356+). Added option to activate video call. Added option to hide the contact photo and groups. Moved text from Responder, from "Text left side" to "Text Central" section in the conversations section. Now when you press the apply changes button, a dialog box is displayed while applying the changes. Added Arabic language. Fixed the problem that forced closing when you entered KMod from WhatsApp. Corrections for the latest beta versions of Google Play. Other corrections of errors.

14-11-2016 - v2.5.0

New floating window interface for KMod. Added BB SRB bubbles. Added option to activate new interface Status of WhatsApp (Only for 2.16.353 or higher). Added option to select the KMod language from within the Settings section. Added Dutch language. Added option to change the color of the KMod interface (Light, Dark, Blue). Added option to hide the read messages (You will be able to see when they read the messages sent by you, but they will not be able to see when you read the messages that you receive). Added option to deactivate delivery report (When you receive a message, it will not appear as received). Fixed the problem, when the last connection was hidden, was always online. Corrections for the latest beta versions of Google Play. Other corrections of errors.

24-10-2016 - v2.4.5

Added a new bubble. Added highlight in groups. Added highlight in contacts (up to 3). Added support for GIF Gallery. Added option to hide last connection (you'll see the last connection of the other, but they not yours). Added Italian language. Fixed backup section, you can now save and load properly themes with background images. Fixes for the latest beta version of Google Play. Fixed other errors.

06-09-2016 - v2.4.1

Added bWin bubbles. Updating the Android SDK to version 24. Fixed donation button. Fix to the latest beta version of Google Play. Fixed other bugs.

19-08-2016 - v2.3.9.1

Fixed a bug that doesn't allow open KMod on Samsung devices.

18-08-2016 - v2.3.9

Added iOS bubbles. Deleting KMod access from menu. Fixed to the latest beta version of Google Play. Fixed other bugs.

27-06-2016 - v2.3.8

Added icons of new interface. Interface > Icons > Header > Conversations > Icons > Header. Added customizing floating buttons. Added personalization floating button, of message counter, in conversation screen. Fixed to the latest beta version of Google Play. Fixed other bugs.

08-06-2016 - v2.3.6

Fixed problems to accessing the Backup section.

07-06-2016 - v2.3.5

Fixed for last beta version of Play Store. Fixed some problems.

26-05-2016 - v2.3.4

You can now save the application in internal memory or SD Card. Fixed for last beta version of Play Store.

24-05-2016 - v2.3.3

Added autoupdate, to detect and download future versions of KMod. Fixed some problems.

12-05-2016 - v2.3.1

Added support for Beta versions of Play Store, in the section: Customization > Interface > Icons > General Fixed camera hide button, in the conversation screen.

11-05-2016 - v2.3.0

Update to work from version 2.16.13, higher versions and betas. Updated some icons on the interface. Restructured some sections on the interface. Removed the settings section, now this setting applies from the interface section (reviewing this section in created themes is advised). Added option to hide the Launcher icon. More general changes.

23-03-2016 - v2.2.1

Rectification errors of Russian language.

09-03-2016 - v2.2.0

Now the gradient is applied on all headers. Now when you load or save from the Backup section, it will save a copy of the background image of the conversation screen in the Images KMod folder, on KMod folder on your SD card or internal memory. (It can't work on Samsung devices). Reorganization of the customization menu. Now the sections are better organized and are more intuitives. Added option to select a background color in conversation screen, when there isn't an image. Added Russian language. Added two new categories of icons in all sections. Added documents icon in attach section from conversation screen. Added configuration KMod icon, of Settings section. Deleted base color on Headers. Fixed bug that didn't display correctly the color on names in the contact list. Fixed save settings on all Samsung devices, but still can't save or load images.

25-12-2015 - v2.1.0

The screen format settings in interface options are also applied to Starred messages. Added settings for the new icons on Starred and unstarred messages. ----> Customization > Conversations > Icons > Header Setting to round the Microphone icon background with Material Design interface. Added Text Format section (Resize text) in sections Calls, Chats and Contacts. Added two new message ticks and bubbles. Added option to color the texts of the thumbnails when sending links. Added two new categories of icons for sections: ----> Customization > Conversations > Icons > Bottom ----> Customization > Conversations > icons > Categories Added option to hide icons on conversation screen (call, camera, microphone) Added drop-down settings menu. Added status bar automatic tinting. The status bar will have the same color as the header of the current app (this option applies to the entire system). Added languages:Portuguese (Brazil), Bengali, Hindi, Turkish. Restructured the Contact section in Help. Direct access to the Xposed repository from the Help section. Added link to themes forum at XDA-Developers to upload and download themes (Backup section) Fixed icons section: Customization > Conversations > Icons > Categories Fixed KMod shortcut option from menu. Changed the names of some icons categories (kmod to kmod 3D), and changed some icons to better suit the new categories.

12-10-2015 - v2.0.0

Change application interface. Independent customizing of the application icons. Update module to the latest versions 2.12.304. Added section backup, log, and more. Many more changes and customizations.

09-03-2015 - v1.0.0

Initial release.