Feature List - Kristianmartinw/grandcypher-crew GitHub Wiki
General User Features
Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
MVP Feature List
Users have profiles where they view all the parties they've made
Profile will have profile pictures as well as a username and both can be edited
Parties (CRUD)
Users can create, update, and delete parties
Parties will include four slots for the user to input characters into to build it out
Users can search for a character while editing their party so they can more easily find one
Users filter by the different parameters of a character so they can more easily find what they need
Ratings (CRUD)
Users can rate a party based on how their experience with that party went
Bonus Feature List
Auto-build (Main point of app)
Users can press a button when building a party that uses the criteria set to build a party that most closely fits all criterias by weighing all possible options together and choosing the best results
Users will also be able to set a required character to be placed into a party and the algorithm will then build a party around that choice as well as the criterias set
In the game there is a main character which the user selects a class/skills/etc for that is always in the first slot