Configure Azure Stream Analytics with Event Hub and Blob Storage Inputs - Kripadhn/Data-Engineering GitHub Wiki

  1. Overview
  2. Azure Stream Analytics Stream Data Input
  3. Azure Stream Analytics Reference Data Input
  4. Demo Sending Events to Azure Event Hubs in .NET
  5. Demo Configuring Event Hubs Input for Azure Stream Analytics

** 1. Azure Stream Analytics Stream Data Input**


Services to provide data inputs:

  1. Azure Event hubs
  2. Azure IOT Hub
  3. Azure Blob Storage

Data Stream Inputs

Data Stream Inputs-Use Cases

** 2. Reference Data inputs:**

Reference Data Inputs

**Use Cases: **

Reference Data Inputs- Use Cases

## New Stream Analytics Job

New Stream Analytics Job

** 3. Demo Sending Events to Azure Event Hubs in .NET:**

  • Create Event Hub instance
  • Create Credential ( for client application to connect to Event Hub Namespace and send events to it)
  • Under settings -> Shared Access policies -> Add Policy -> Check send and listen -> Click on TemperatureData named policy
  • From application -> Get Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs standard client library from Nuget Installed tab
  • Paste Connection string with EndPoint and SharedKey to application ConnectionString variables

** 3. Demo Event hubs input for Azure Stream Analytics:**