Technical Specifications - KrasseKoder/MensaManager2013Client GitHub Wiki

  • The "MensaManager2013" provides a server-client communication with data storage on the server using a XML-database instead of SQL, because of easier administration.

  • The "MM13Client" provides different User Interfaces including user rights management:

    • The normal user "teller" is allowed to enter the 'TellerWidget' and to access on the database after he logged in succesfully. He is able to confirm a full checkout process.
    • The administrator "admin" is allowed to edit and delete entries of the database and has full acces to all functionalities of the software. Therefore he is able to access the "AdminWidget" and all UIs "teller" has access to.
  • The checkout process includes the possibility of product access to the database. The client handels calculations and opens "PayWidget" after the product input is completed. "PayWidget" checks the entered purchase order and provides several methods of payment including creditcard, voucher, deposit and cash payment.

  • The "DataWidget" shows the data saved in the server database and provides some further business features after the consumer has purchased the MensaManager2013Plus package. (Be fast, the first then purchasers get a gratis key ;) )

  • Github is used for different reasons. It provides close contact to the end customer and makes it possible to provide zero-day bugfixes and further development concerning the consumers wishes. With github it also possible to handle all team members with equal rights as version management is no more a problem.

  • QT Jambi is a library that unifies the advantages of plattform-croosing development with a close to the operating system architecture User Interface.

  • We further use maven to handle our dependencies.

  • Travis provides build management and will be later on used for unit tests.