Launch - Kraft2k/Boris GitHub Wiki

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

List out all off the different video for Linux - cameras

v4l2-ctl --list-devices

Source folder on orange and raspberry

cd ros2_ws/src/mobile_base_unit/src

ros2 launch rplidar_ros

ros2 run mobile_base_unit mobile_base

On orange

ros2 launch barra_description

On raspberry

ros2 run mobile_base_unit go

ros2 run mobile_base_unit wandering_with_stops

ros2 run tours tour_one_server

ros2 run mobile_base_unit find_markers_client

ros2 launch cloudrobo_ros2

For manual

ros2 launch barra_description

For automative

On raspberry

ros2 run voice_recognition command_publisher

On orange

ros2 run tours basic_moving_interactive


On raspberry

ros2 run mobile_base_unit wandering_with_stops

For tour on manual conrtol

On orange

ros2 launch barra_description

ros2 run tours tour_one_server

On raspberry

for test

ros2 run tours detect_marker_client

(ros2 run tours manual_markers_client)

ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe --ros-args --params-file /opt/ros/humble/share/usb_cam/config/params_2.yaml

Настройка режимов управления в программе TechnoCraft

Для включения режима Ручное управления:

Пользователь должен подключить джойстик по bluetooth

ssh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl start manual_control.service

Для выключения Ручного управления:

ssh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl stop manual_control.service

Для включения Aвтоматичекого управления:

ssh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl start auto_control.service

Для выключения Aвтоматичекого управления:

ssh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl stop auto_control.service

Для включения режима Экскурсия:

Пользователь должен подключить джойстик по bluetooth

shh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl start usb_camera.service

Sudo systemctl start tour_client.service

ssh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl start tour_server.service

Sudo systemctl start manual_control.service

Для выключения режима Экскурсия:

shh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl stop usb_camera.service

Sudo systemctl stop tour_client.service

shh [email protected]

Sudo systemctl stop tour_server.service

Sudo systemctl stop manual_control.service

Network connection


version: 2

renderer: NetworkManager



  dhcp4: yes

  optional: true



      password: "#######"


      password: "########"