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Unit Convertor

Build Code Quality Unity Valgrind Coverage Codacy
C/C++ CI cppcheck Unit testing Valgrind CI-Coverage Codacy Badge

SDLC Activity Based Learning



Converts unit x to y of length, temperature, volume, area, weight, and time type


  • Length Conversion
  • Temperature Conversion
  • Volume Conversion
  • Area Conversion
  • Weight Conversion
  • Time Conversion

Folder Structure

Folder Description
1_Requirements Documents detailing requirements and research
2_Design Documents specifying design details
3_Implementation All code and documentation
4_Test_plan Documents with test plans and procedures
5_Report Contains report generated
6_ImagesAndVideos All images used and project videos
7_Other Other things

Contributors List and Summary

SF Id. Name Features Issues Raised Issues Resolved No Test Cases Test Case Pass
264136 Kumar Shivanshu All 2 2 6 6

Tools used

  1. Unity- for unit testing
  2. Valgrind & CPP-check` - to analyze the code
  3. Doxygen - for documenting the file
  4. Makefile - to build, test, run and clean the program

Learning Resources

  1. markdownCheatsheet
  2. markdownBasics
  3. git inspector
  4. github workflow
  5. Reference
  6. Took inspiration from many other similar projects