Question ‐1 - KowsalyaArul/73772127127_Assignment_1 GitHub Wiki

Illustrate GIT operations using local and remote (Github) repositories with the screenshots of your demonstration.


git clone - This command is used to clone the remote repository to local computer.

git push - This command is used to push the changes from local to remote repository.

git pull - This command is used to pull the changes from remote to local repo that are made by other developers.

git commit - This command is used to move the changes to staged area.

git log - This command is used to view the commits that are made.

git status - This command is used to view the status of the files(Staged,unstaged,modified..).

git reset - This command is used to reset the changes that are after a commit.

git stash - This command is used to temporarily save the changes in local that can be used afterwards

Pull Requests

Branching - git branch and git checkout - Used to move the haed from one branch to another.

Merging and Merge conflicts

Branch Protection rules