Standard SPI is a high-speed, full-duplex, synchronous communication bus [4]. For saving the chip ports and space on PCB layout, the ports of the SPI only take four lines. It is working in the Master-Slave full duplex mode which has one master device and one slave device and requires four lines whose components are SDI (data in), SDO (data out), SCK (clock), SS (Slave select) .When the SPI master wants to send data to a slave, it will pull the SS line low for selecting slave, and activates the clock signal which usable between the master and the slave at same time. The master transmits the data to the MOSI (master’s SDO and slave’s SDI) line and receives the data from the MISO (master’s SDI and slave’s SDO) line at the time. SPI is a serial communication protocol, that data is transmitted bit by bit. The clock pulse is provided by SCK and SDI, SDO is based on this pulse to making the data transmission. Data output through the master’s SDO line at the rising or falling edge of the clock and be read by slave in the falling or rising edge followed. So 8-bit data transfer need at least 8 times the clock signal changes image SPI Signal Descriptions: Master In Slave Out (MISO) The MISO line is configured as an input in a master device and as an output in a slave device. It is one of the two lines that transfer serial data in one direction, along with the most significant bit sent first. The MISO line of a slave device is placed in the highimpedance state if the slave is not selected. Master Out Slave In (MOSI) The MOSI line is configured as output in a master device and as an input in a slave device. It is one of the two lines that transfer serial data in one direction, with the most significant bit sent first Serial Clock (SCK) The serial clock is used to synchronize data movement both in and out of the device through its MOSI and MISO lines. The Master and Slave devices are capable of exchanging a byte of information during a sequence of eight clock cycles. Since SCK is generated by the master device, this line becomes an input on a slave device. Slave Select (SS bar) The slave select input line is used to select a slave device. It has to be low prior to data transactions and must stay low for the duration of the transaction. SPI DATA TRANSMISSION: The SPI has four modes of operation, 0 through 3. These modes essentially control the way data is clocked in or out of an SPI device. The configuration is done by two bits in the SPI control register (SPCR). The clock polarity is specified by the CPOL control bit, which selects an active high or active low clock. The clock phase (CPHA) control bit selects one of the two fundamentally different transfer formats. To ensure a proper communication between master and slave both devices have to run in the same mode. image image

Device- Configurated Devices image image image

Simulated Graphs-- SPI The output graphs of SPI protocol in Xilinx vivado software : image image