Validator - KostasMparmparousis/uLookup GitHub Wiki

Examines if a given loginName can be safely attributed to a new Account.


Response Code Table

Response Code No conflicts Conflicts Found Scenario
100 :heavy_check_mark: Person's first Account
101 :heavy_check_mark: LoginName already reserved.
102 :heavy_check_mark: LoginName already owned
110 :heavy_check_mark: Person owns a different loginName.
200 :heavy_check_mark: LoginName found, but attributes other than SSN-SSNCountry are different.
210 :heavy_check_mark: LoginName belongs to someone else, person already owns another loginName.
220 :heavy_check_mark: LoginName belongs to someone else.
300 User in DS manually created.
310 LoginName found but a primary identifier is NULL.
