Reference ‐ Effects - KormexGit/GM-Animate GitHub Wiki

All effects can be applied with just a single line of code! The effect will progress automatically, and you can run as many effects as you want at once (you can even stack the same effect multiple times!)

[!IMPORTANT] Effects do not affect the animation's built in variables like image_xscale, image_speed, etc. They instead use their own private offset variables.

Animation Curves for Effects

Some effects use animation curves. There are a handful of animation curves included in the Animation Curves folder, but you can also make your own. If you do so, follow this format:

  • Two channels, one called x and one called y
  • The first point should have an h of 0 and a v of 0
  • The final point should have an h of 1 and v of 0
  • To keep scale values consistent, try to keep v for the middle points between 1 and -1, with the biggest curve hitting exactly -1 and/or 1

Bezier style curves are recommended!


List of included animation curve names:

  • animation_curve_bounce_once
  • animation_curve_bounce_twice
  • animation_curve_bounce_thrice
  • animation_curve_bounce_a_lot
  • animation_curve_wave
  • animation_curve_one_way_start
  • animation_curve_one_way_middle
  • animation_curve_one_way_end
  • animation_curve_snap_start
  • animation_curve_snap_middle
  • animation_curve_snap_end



Applies a squash and stretch effect based on an animation curve to the specified track. This works by altering the xscale and yscale the sprite is drawn with, without altering the actual image_xscale or image_yscale variables.

animation_effect_squash_and_stretch(_duration, _scale, _loop_count = 1, _curve = animation_curve_bounce_once, _reverse_xy = false, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_duration Real How long the squash and stretch should last, measured in game frames
_scale Real How big the squash and stretch should be, measured as a percent. Should typically be a value between 0.1 and 0.9
_loop_count Real (Optional) How many times the effect should loop. Pass infinity to loop forever
_curve Animation Curve Asset (Optional) The animation curve to use. Use an included one or make your own!
_reverse_xy Bool (Optional) If true, swaps the x and y channels of the animation curve to make things squash the other way
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to apply the effect to. Pass all to apply the effect to every track

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Applies a sway effect based on an animation curve to the specified track. This works by altering the image_angle the sprite is drawn with, without altering the actual image_angle variables. This effect only uses the "x" channel of the animation curve, unless _reverse_xy is enabled in which case it will only use the "y" channel.

You can optionally add an offset to the x and y that the rotation uses as it's origin. For example, a 50x50 sprite with a centered origin could be given an offset of 0, 25 to make it rotate from the bottom of the sprite instead of the center. This is purely visual and does not affect the actual origin of the sprite at all.

animation_effect_sway(_duration, _range, _x_offset = 0, _y_offset = 0, _loop_count = 1, _curve = animation_curve_bounce_once, _reverse_xy = false, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_duration Real How long the squash and stretch should last, measured in game frames
_range Real The size of the largest rotation of the sway, measured in degrees
_x_offset Real (Optional) How much to offset the x origin of the rotation
_y_offset Real (Optional) How much to offset the y origin of the rotation
_loop_count Real (Optional) How many times the effect should loop. Pass infinity to loop forever
_curve Animation Curve Asset (Optional) The animation curve to use. Use an included one or make your own!
_reverse_xy Bool (Optional) If true, uses the y channel of the animation curve instead of the x channel
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to apply the effect to. Pass all to apply the effect to every track

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Applies an oscillate effect based on an animation curve to the specified track. This works by applying an offset to the x and y the sprite is drawn at. This effect only uses the "x" channel of the animation curve, unless _reverse_xy is enabled in which case it will only use the "y" channel.

By default the animation will oscillate up and down, but you can use the _direction argument to make it oscillate at any angle you want.

You can optionally loop this effect to get similar results to applying a sine wave to an object's y coordinate, but with an animation curve.

animation_effect_oscillate(_duration, _range, _direction = 90, _loop_count = 1, _curve = animation_curve_bounce_once, _reverse_xy = false, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_duration Real How long the squash and stretch should last, measured in game frames
_range Real The size of the largest rotation of the sway, measured in degrees
_direction Real (Optional) What direction the oscillation should go
_loop_count Real (Optional) How many times the effect should loop. Pass infinity to loop forever
_curve Animation Curve Asset (Optional) The animation curve to use. Use an included one or make your own!
_reverse_xy Bool (Optional) If true, uses the y channel of the animation curve instead of the x channel
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to apply the effect to. Pass all to apply the effect to every track

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Applies a blink effect based on an animation curve to the specified track. This works by applying an offset to the alpha sprite is drawn at. This effect only uses the "x" channel of the animation curve, unless _reverse_xy is enabled in which case it will only use the "y" channel.

function animation_effect_blink(_duration, _alpha_range, _loop_count = 1, _curve = animation_curve_wave, _reverse_xy = false, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_duration Real How long the blink should last, measured in game frames
_alpha_range Real The maximum amount alpha should be reduced. Should be a value between 0 (no alpha change) and 1 (will go fully invisible at the peak of the curve)
_loop_count Real (Optional) How many times the effect should loop. Pass infinity to loop forever
_curve Animation Curve Asset (Optional) The animation curve to use. Use an included one or make your own!
_reverse_xy Bool (Optional) If true, uses the y channel of the animation curve instead of the x channel
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to apply the effect to. Pass all to apply the effect to every track

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Applies a shake effect to the specified track. This looks similar to a screenshake, but only applied to a single sprite.

animation_effect_shake(_duration, _intensity, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_duration Real How long the shake should last, measured in game frames
_intensity Real The intensity of the shake, measured in pixels
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to apply the effect to. Pass all to apply the effect to every track

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Applies a hitstop effect to the specified track. This will stop the animation from progressing for the specified number of frames.

[!NOTE] The hitstop effect is different from pausing. Pausing will pause everything, including effects, while hitstop only stops the animation itself and effects will continue to update.

animation_effect_hitstop(_duration, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_duration Real How long the hitstop should last, measured in game frames
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to apply the effect to. Pass all to apply the effect to every track

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Counts how many of the specified effect is active on the specified track. This will return 0 if the effect is not present, so it can also be used as a way to check if the effect currently exists at all or has finished.

animation_effect_get_count(_effect_name, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_effect_name String A string of the name of the effect to check for. Effect names: "shake", "squash_and_stretch", "sway", "oscillate", "hitstop"
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to check. Pass all to count up the total effects on every track

Returns: Real



Cancels all instances of the specified effect on the specified track, ending it early.

animation_effect_cancel(_effect_name, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_effect_name String A string of the name of the effect to cancel. Effect names: "shake", "squash_and_stretch", "sway", "oscillate", "hitstop"
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to check. Pass all to cancel the effect on every track

Returns: N/A (Undefined)