Reference ‐ Animation Queue - KormexGit/GM-Animate GitHub Wiki

The animation queue system allows you to play multiple animations in a row without needing to constantly monitor if the current animation has finished or not. This can be very useful for things like dynamically playing transition animations.

If anything has been added to the queue, then the first queued animation will be automatically changed to when the current animation ends. After a queued animation is changed to, it will be removed from the queue. If multiple animations are queued, then the one at position 0 will be used and all the others will move up a slot.


Add an animation to the end of the queue.

animation_queue_add(_sprite, _loop = true, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_sprite Sprite Asset The sprite to queue
_loop Bool (Optional) Whether the queued animation should loop or not. If more animations are queued after this one, this argument is irrelevant
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to queue an animation for

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Inserts an animation into the specified position in the queue.

[!NOTE] If _index is larger than the current queue length, then animation_queue_add will automatically be run instead, putting the animation at the end of the queue.

[!CAUTION] Queue positions cannot be negative!

animation_queue_insert(_sprite, _index, _loop = true, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_sprite Sprite Asset The sprite to queue
_index Real (Int) The position in the queue to insert the animation into
_loop Bool (Optional) Whether the queued animation should loop or not. If more animations are queued after this one, this argument is irrelevant
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to queue an animation for

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Clears the queue, removing all queued animations.

animation_queue_clear(_track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to clear

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Removes the animation at the specified position in the queue.

animation_queue_remove_index(_index, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_index Real (Int) The position to remove from the queue
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to remove from

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Removes the specified sprite from the queue. If the sprite has been queued multiple times, this will remove all of them.

animation_queue_remove_sprite(_sprite, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_sprite Sprite Asset The sprite to remove from the queue
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to remove from

Returns: N/A (Undefined)



Returns the number of animations currently queued.

animation_queue_get_length(_track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to check

Returns: Real



Returns an array of all currently queued sprites.

animation_queue_get(_track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to check

Returns: Array of sprite assets



Gets the position of the specified sprite in the queue. If the sprite is not present, -1 will be returned. If the sprite is present multiple times, then the first position will be returned. If you want every position a sprite is in, use animation_queue_get_all_indexes instead.

animation_queue_get_index(_sprite, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_sprite Sprite Asset The sprite to check for
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to check

Returns: Real



Gets every position of the specified sprite in the queue. If the sprite is not present, an empty array will be returned. If you want first position a sprite is in, use animation_queue_get_index instead.

animation_queue_get_all_indexes(_sprite, _track = 0)
Argument Type Description
_sprite Sprite Asset The sprite to check for
_track Real (Int) (Optional) The track to check

Returns: Array of reals