Home - KormexGit/GM-Animate GitHub Wiki

Docs links

If you're using GM Animate for the first time, check out the basics guide!

For information about editing an animation's variables, check out Animation Struct and Variables.

For reference on what different functions do, check out the following pages:

Animation Control: Contains core functions and those that do not belong to any other particular system.

Effects: Information about effects and all functions related to them.

Animation Queue: Information about the animation queue and all functions related to it.


Important general info about GM Animate

  • LTS is supported! Also works for any monthly version 2022.0 or later.

  • GM Animate doesn't interfere with GameMaker's built in assigned sprite animation (unless you use animation_set_instance_mask), so if desired you can continue using built in animation and only use GM Animate when you need one of it's features.

  • Does NOT support having copy on write for arrays enabled, make sure it's disabled to avoid problems.

  • If a function is prefixed with two underscores __animation_, it's a private function and should not be used. Any function that is prefixed with just animation_ is a public function and is free to use.

  • Animations are updated via a global time source, which runs in between begin step and step. This is an unchangeable time source behavior, so if you need to do something prior to animations being updated in the current step, you should run that code in begin step.

  • Calling animation_start on an object will create a variable called animations, which is an array that will hold all of the animation data for that object. Make sure you do not use animations for anything else, and do not set any of the indexes in the array to anything directly. You are welcome to access or edit specific variables inside structs contained in the array, details on how to do so can be found on this page.


Adding GM Animate to your project

  1. Download the newest .yymps file here
  2. While your project is open, either drag the file in, or go to the tools menu at the top, hit import local package, and select the file
  3. Click "add all" and then "import"
  4. A folder called "GM Animate" should appear in your asset browser
  5. You're all set!


Updating GM Animate to a new version

Select the GM Animate folder in your project, and delete it entirely. Then, follow the instructions above to re-add the new version.

Reporting bugs

Found a bug or other issue with GM Animate? Feel free to make an issue here on Github! You can also come join the GameMaker Kitchen discord server and head over to the thread for GM Animate in the your_resources forum.