Blocks - Koopamillion/eKoopRebooted GitHub Wiki
Accelerating Furnace
The accelerating furnace is a furnace that runs off RF. It will slowly accelerate aslong as it has materials to smelt in it and has the ability to do so. If there are no materials inside it will deccelerate. It has a max speed of ~1 item/tick.
Mob Plushies
Mob plushies will passively generate mob drops from a wide variety of mob. However you must capture the mob with a mob hard drive or mob RAM.
Fluid Bath
The fluid bath is a crafting block used to bathe items in fluid with an optional external modifier of electricity (electrolysis) or heat. Currently, salt is placed into electrified water to make HCl, sand is placed into heated HCl to make pure sand and pure sand is placed into lava to create raw silicon.
Soldering Table
The soldering table is another crafting block which infuses molten metal (typically solder) into a crafting recipe, allowing for the crafting of circuits and electrical components.
The saturator takes the food from its gui and feeds any player that needs food in the radius.
Beacon Generator
The beacon generator, when placed above a beacon (any height above it) will generate power passively based on the beacons power level (aka the pyramid of blocks below the beacon).
The centrifuge separates materials into their components. Simply put a motor provider below it and go!
DNA Extractor
The DNA extractor will extract DNA from surrounding mobs. You can then store this DNA on a hard drive or RAM.