Complete Checklist for New Coins to Setup Explorers, Electrum Servers, Agama Wallet, Activate dPoW & BarterDEX Trading - KomodoPlatform/komodo GitHub Wiki

This doc will guide you through creating an independent assetchain/coin using Komodo and setup explorer, electrum servers, integrate into Agama GUI wallet, dPoW and enable BarterDEX trading.

Step 1: Create an Assetchain/Coin, Setup Insight based Explorer, Electrum Servers and Agama GUI Wallet

  1. Create a new assetchain or coin
    1.1 Different Parameters to customize your coin
  2. Install explorer
  3. Install Electrum SPV server
  4. Integrate into Agama GUI wallet

We have used Zaddex (ZEX) coin as example for some part of this doc. Please change to your coin name accordingly.

Coin name: Zaddex
Ticker: ZEX
Start Command: ./komodod -pubkey=$pubkey -ac_name=ZEX -ac_cc=2 -ac_founders=1 -ac_halving=525600 -ac_reward=13000000000 -ac_pubkey=039d4a50cc70d1184e462a22edb3b66385da97cc8059196f8305c184a3e21440af -addnode= &
RPCport: 26477

Step 2: PR List for Activating dPoW

In order to activate dPoW you need to submit PR into 2 GitHub repos.

  1. Komodo repo (dev branch) -
  2. SuperNET repo (dev branch) -

Step 2.1 Changes required for Komodo repo

2 new file needs creating and 2 existing files needs updating. These new files are executable scripts named as the coin ticker with small letters. They would go inside ~/komodo/src/ac/ and ~/komodo/src/fiat/ dir and required for quering the chain easily. i.e.: ~/komodo/src/ac/zex getinfo.

Contents of these 2 new files would be as following:

./komodo-cli -ac_name=ZEX $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

So, you will have ~/komodo/src/ac/zex and ~/komodo/src/fiat/zex. Make sure both of the files has proper execute permission.

Next, is to add coin parameters at the bottom of assetchains.json and assetchains.old files inside ~/komodo/src/ directory. Please check the links to the files to understand how they were done. The .json file is basically converting the ZEX chain start command from shell fromat to JSON format.

Check this commit to fully understand what was done to add ZEX in Komodo repo.

Step 2.2 Changes required for SuperNET repo

For SuperNET repo we need to add 1 new file called zex_7776 inside ~/SuperNET/iguana/coins/ (please change zex with your coin ticker). Make sure this file has executable permission. This file gets created automatically in the directory where you start the chain from. Generally inside ~/komodo/src/ dir.

And, we need to edit 4 existing files, dpowassets, iguana_notary.c, m_notary_run & m_splitfund) inside ~/SuperNET/iguana/ dir. These links points to the line where you should be checking.

Check this commit to fully understand what was done to add ZEX in SuperNET repo.

Once you have all the changes done locally, you can submit a PR to Komodo and SuperNET repo dev branch. After the PR gets merged by jl777, it will be announced and Komodo Notary Node operators will update their node and start notarizing the coin.

Step 3: PR List for enabling BarterDEX trading

In order for the coin to be enabled in BarterDEX trading platform you need to submit a PR to repo. Here is an useful guide for the process


  1. Logo (icon) -
  2. Explorer -
  3. Coin info -
  4. Electrum servers (BEER as example)-

Note: If you can't do it all by yourself, there are 3rd party services (Chainmakers & Chainzilla) available who can do everything for you. Please reach them out using Komodo Discord or use the Komodo Platform Website.