Smashing Turtle - KnightMiner/KnightPeripherals GitHub Wiki

The smashing turtle is a turtle upgrade added by KnightPeripherals. It can be used to automatically smash blocks using an Ex Nihilo hammer


To create a smashing turtle, simply craft a turtle with a diamond hammer from Ex Nihilo.


When a hammer is added to a turtle, it will automatically add several functions to the turtle API.


The hammer adds three functions for attacking with the hammer:

  • turtle.attack(): Attacks a mob in front of the turtle
  • turtle.attackUp(): Attacks a mob above the turtle
  • turtle.attackDown(): Attacks a mob below the turtle

The turtle deals 7 damage when attacking. For comparison, a melee turtle deals 9 damage.


The turtle will return true if a mob was attacked, or false if it was unable to find a mob or the available mob was attacked too recently.


The hammer turtle adds three functions for digging with a hammer:

  • turtle.dig(): Smashes a block in front of the turtle.
  • turtle.digUp(): Smashes a block above the turtle.
  • turtle.digDown(): Smashes a block below the turtle.

When a block is smashed, it will drop its drops when broken with a hammer, or its normal drops if it has no hammer drops.


The turtle will return true if the block was broken.

If the block cannot be broken, it will return false plus one of the following reasons:

  • Block is unbreakable: The block either is unbreakable (such as bedrock), or requires a different tool to break (such as a pickaxe).
  • Nothing to dig here: The block is air, thus cannot be broken