US4: My Weight History (for now it’s optional) - Klushechka/HealthyShape GitHub Wiki
1. User Story
As a User
I would like to see a separate History screen in the application where I can store my weight values at different dates: to add them or delete. So that I can see the dynamics of weight changing, analysing the history.
2. Acceptance Criteria
- Verify that the screen is open after tapping Weight History tab on the tab bar (other item on tabor is Healthy Numbers).
- Verify that by default the screen is empty with a placeholder («Here you can story your weight for current date. Tap + to try. »)
- Verify that after tapping + (or Add - TBD) button a screen with Weight field is open (requirements to this fields are the same as for the Weight field on the first data screen - see US1 - Body Mass Index user story).
- Verify that you can save the weight by tapping Save button on the screen for adding an item and add other items from Weight History screen by tapping + button.
- Verify that items are sorted by time + date descending.
- Verify that Save button is disable until there is some value in the Weight field on the screen of adding a new item.
- Verify that scrollbar appears on the Weight History screen when some Weight items are hidden by the edge of the screen.
- Verify that scrollbar works.
- Verify that I can delete the weight item from the list of items by swiping to the left (Delete button appears on the right TBD).
- Verify that alert is shown after pressing Delete button. Header «Remove Weight Item», text «Are you sure you want to remove the item from the list?», buttons «Remove" (red) on the right, Cancel (blue) button on the left.
- Verify that I can cancel the deletion of the item by pressing Cancel.
- Verify that after pressing Remove the item gets successfully removed from the list.