US3: Daily Calorie Intake (Basal Metabolic Rate) - Klushechka/HealthyShape GitHub Wiki
1. User Story
As a User
I would like the application to count my Daily Calorie Intake (Basal Metabolic Rate - BMR) according to my Height, Age and level of physical activity. So that I could understand how much calories I should take daily to keep my shape healthy with current lifestyle.
2. Acceptance Criteria.
- Verify that on the first screen (with Height, Weight fields, gender segmented control and Calculate button) there are: - Age text field: values from 0 to 255
- dropdown with Label (Your Lifestyle) with a several values: 1. I don’t do sports 2. I walk and do sports rarely (<3 times a week) 3. Medium sport activity (<5 times a week). 4. I’m very active (daily trainings). 5. I’m extremely active(hard daily trainings)
- Verify that numeric keyboard without any special symbols or separators is open while focus is on the Age field.
- Verify that alert with header "Need Info", text "Please enter your weight, height and age.» and OK button is shown after pressing Calculate button if:
- one of field is empty (Weight/Height/Age)
- lifestyle value hasn’t been selected.
- two of fields are empty
- all the fields are empty + lifestyle value hasn’t been selected
- 0 is set for weight
- Verify that the daily calorie intake result is equal to the result of formula:
For Man: BMR = ((9.99 * weight) + (6.25 * heigh) - (4.92 * age) + 5) * Index of Activity
For Woman: BMR = ((9.99 * weight) + (6.25 * heigh) - (4.92 * age) -161) * Index of Activity 5. Index of Activity accrediting to selected value from the dropdown:
1. I don’t do sports
2. I walk and do sports rarely (<3 times a week) (1.3)
3. Medium sport activity (<5 times a week). (1.5) 4. I’m very active (daily trainings). (1.8) 5. I’m extremely active(hard daily trainings) (2.0)