US3: Daily Calorie Intake (Basal Metabolic Rate) - Klushechka/HealthyShape GitHub Wiki

1. User Story

As a User

I would like the application to count my Daily Calorie Intake (Basal Metabolic Rate - BMR) according to my Height, Age and level of physical activity. So that I could understand how much calories I should take daily to keep my shape healthy with current lifestyle.

2. Acceptance Criteria.

  1. Verify that on the first screen (with Height, Weight fields, gender segmented control and Calculate button) there are: 
 - Age text field: values from 0 to 255

  • dropdown with Label (Your Lifestyle) with a several values: 
 1. I don’t do sports
 2. I walk and do sports rarely (<3 times a week) 
 3. Medium sport activity (<5 times a week). 
 4. I’m very active (daily trainings).
 5. I’m extremely active(hard daily trainings)
  1. Verify that numeric keyboard without any special symbols or separators is open while focus is on the Age field.
  2. Verify that alert with header "Need Info", text "Please enter your weight, height and age.» and OK button is shown after pressing Calculate button if:
  • one of field is empty (Weight/Height/Age)
  • lifestyle value hasn’t been selected.
  • two of fields are empty
  • all the fields are empty + lifestyle value hasn’t been selected
  • 0 is set for weight
  1. Verify that the daily calorie intake result is equal to the result of formula:

For Man: BMR = ((9.99 * weight) + (6.25 * heigh) - (4.92 * age) + 5) * Index of Activity

For Woman: BMR = ((9.99 * weight) + (6.25 * heigh) - (4.92 * age) -161) * Index of Activity 5. Index of Activity accrediting to selected value from the dropdown:

  1. I don’t do sports
  2. I walk and do sports rarely (<3 times a week) (1.3)

 3. Medium sport activity (<5 times a week). (1.5) 
 4. I’m very active (daily trainings).
 (1.8) 5. I’m extremely active(hard daily trainings) (2.0)