US1: Body Mass Index - Klushechka/HealthyShape GitHub Wiki
US1: Body Mass Index
1. User Story
As a User
I would like the application to calculate my Body Mass Index according to my data, including Weight and Height (which I’ll enter into the fields) and to give me a resume according to the calculated BMI and the gender, which I’ll select (Man or Woman).
So that I could understand if my weight is normal for my height or I am underweighted/overweighted.
2. Acceptance Criteria
Verify that there are 2 text fields on the first screen:
- Weight (value from 0.0 to 650.0, with separate which depends on current local settings).
- Height (value from 0 to 300 without any separators).
- Verify that under the text fields there is segmented control with 2 values:
- Man
- Woman
Default value is Man.
- Verify that there is Calculate button under the text fields and segmented control.
- Verify that tapping the Calculate button opens a second screen with healthy numbers about shape:
- info about BMI
Formula for BMI: BMI = height (weight * weight)
resume which is different for same BMI depending on gender:
It seems that your data is wrong. Please check the entered values." - (Man and Woman: 0..<1)
You are dangerously underweighted - (Man: 1.0..<16.0, Woman: 1.0..<16.0)
You are underweighted - (Man: 16..<18.5, Woman: 16..<18.0)
You have a healthy weight - (Man: 18.5..<25.0, Woman: 18.0..<25.0)
You are overweighted - (Man: 25.0..<30.0, Woman: 25.0..<30.0)
You have an obese (Class I) - (Man: 30.0..<35.0, Woman: 30.0..<35.0)
You have an obese (Class II) - (Man: 35.0..<40.0, Woman: 35.0..<40.0)
You have a morbid obese (Class III) - (Man: more than 40.0, Woman: more than 40.0)
- Verify that there is Back button on the top left corner of the screen.
- Verify that tapping Back button leads to the previous screen with Heigh, Weight fields + segmented control and Calculate button, where All the data, which was set by my before, is still shown.
- Verify that numeric keyboard without text or special symbols is shown while focus is on the Height field.
- Verify that numeric keyboard with separator (, or . depending on local settings) is shown while focus is on the Weight field.
- Verify that it’s impossible to set/paste text, special symbols to Weight and Height text fields.
- Verify that alert with header "Need Info", text "Please enter both weight and height values.» and OK button is shown after pressing Calculate button if:
- Weight field is empty
- Height field is empty
- both Weight and Height fields are empty
- 0/0.0/0,0/,/. is set for Weight or Height