04 AZ‐touch or ArduiTouch - KlausMu/esp32-fan-controller GitHub Wiki

The AZ-touch is great for putting everything together in a nice housing, including a TFT touch display for setting pwm or target temperature. It also has a small prototyping area where you can put all the electronic parts (pullups, RC circuit, wires). You can use both the older 2.4 inch ArduiTouch or the newer 2.8 inch AZ-Touch

Pictures here are taken from the older 2.4 inch ArduiTouch

Frontside of ArduiTouch (AZ-touch is similar)

This is how everything is wired on the prototyping area of the ArduiTouch (AZ-touch is similar)

number in picture parts
1 3.3V output from ESP32, connected to- VIN of BME280 - pullups for I2C- pullup for fan tacho
2 GND of ESP32, connected to- GND of BME280- RC circuit for fan tacho
  BME280 temperature sensor
3 I2C (SCL, SDA)
4 pullups 3.3k for I2C
  fan tacho
5 tacho pin fan
6 pullup 10k
7 RC circuit: 3.3k, 100pF
8 esp32 input pin
  rest of fan
9 fan PWM
10 fan 12V

Backside of ArduiTouch (AZ-touch is similar)

ArduiTouch with breadboard

For testing purposes, you could also use the following setup:

The ArduiTouch/AZ-touch is used for two reasons here:

  • to power the fan (12V from ArduiTouch/AZ-touch is taken)
  • to have a common GND for the fan and the ESP32. Otherwise you could have problems with setting fan speed via pwm or getting a correct tacho signal.

To power the ESP32, an USB cable is used. You need this anyway for flashing the firmware.