01 Wiring diagram - KlausMu/esp32-fan-controller GitHub Wiki

Wiring diagram for fan and BME280

Be sure to have a common GND for the fan and the ESP32. Otherwise, you could have problems with setting fan speed via pwm or getting a correct tacho signal.

Normally a 4-wire fan would expect a 5V pwm signal, but in my tests the 3.3V from the ESP32 were always enough. If it is not enough for your fan, you could use a level shifter, please see here.

Something similar seems to hold for the tacho signal of 5V, which never caused any problem to the 3.3V input of the ESP32.

Wiring diagram for TFT display ST7735, 1.8 inch, 160x128

This diagram is in case you want to use a non-touch TFT display like the ST7735. PINs shown in the wiring diagram correspond to the default settings in the file "config.h". Of course, you can change them.

If you use the ArduiTouch/AZ-touch you don't have to bother about wiring. Everything regarding the TFT and touch is done in the ArduiTouch/AZ-touch PCB automatically.