Flagrum Blender Addon Changelog - Kizari/Flagrum GitHub Wiki
Version 1.3.3 (2023-04-06)
- Fixed issue where FMD exporter wasn't correctly ignoring hidden objects
Version 1.3.2 (2023-04-05)
- GFXBIN importer will now locate AMDL files in the same folder as the model
- GFXBIN importer will now locate AMDL files in the common folder adjacent to the model
- GFXBIN importer is now less strict about folder names and AMDL file names
- FMD exporter will now ignore all objects that are not in the active scene
- FMD exporter will now ignore all objects that are hidden
- FMD exporter will now throw a user-friendly error if the armature setup is incorrect
- FMD exporter will now throw a user-friendly error if Flagrum materials are missing
- FMD exporter will now issue a user-friendly warning if mapLM is missing on a mesh with an AO texture
- FMD exporter will now issue a user-friendly warning if any vertices are unweighted
- FMD exporter will now issue a user-friendly warning if unnecessary vertex colour layers are present
- Reverted "Glass Material" back to an older version as the new one was always showing white in-game
- C# console application part of the add-on has been migrated to .NET 7
- Fixed bug where some models were failing to import (see #52)
- Fixed issue where L_UpperArm bone wasn't being retained on bone cleanup with base armature retention
- Fixed bug where TGA and DDS images were being filtered out when selecting textures in Flagrum materials
- Fixed issue where importer wasn't pulling shared textures that were exported to the same folder as the others
Version 1.2.3 (2022-08-03)
- Parts System UI added to Object Data Properties menu
- GFXBIN importer now imports Parts information
- Global emission strength setter has been added to the "Rendering" panel
- Displacement Only setting for cycles is now active by default on the experimental terrain shader
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