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Please check your webserver/PHP error log for the error type. The PHP Ice module may fail, or a required file may be missing (e.g. after changing the `$iceGeneratedMurmurPHPFileName` setting).
In the settings.inc.php
, just use a Murmur.php file for Ice 3.5 – e.g. Murmur_1.3.0-snap_ice35.php
I keep getting PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘Ice.php’ (include_path=‘.:…’) in /var/www/MumPI/classes/ServerInterface.php on line 6
You will need to add the Ice PHP files to your PHP include path.
To do this on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, edit your php.ini and add the path /usr/share/Ice-YOURVERSION/php
to the include_path
When not on Ubuntu: Get the files from http://zeroc.com/, put them somewhere, and point to them via your PHP include_path (‘.:/path/to/Ice/php:…’).
Currently, the file you need to get is http://zeroc.com/download/Ice/3.5/Ice-3.5.1.tar.gz
and the PHP files are in Ice-3.5.1.tar.gz/Ice-3.5.1/php/lib
7z is an LZMA compression algorithm, with a better compression than zip, bzip, rar and the like.
As it can not store unix permissions MumPI is first tar-ed and then 7z-zipped.
To unpack, on linux your distribution probably already comes with lzma which you can use; otherwise you can also install p7zip as the unix port of 7zip. On Windows install 7-zip.
If you get an Ice_UnknownLocalException “Ice::UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException” you are using a slice definition file (ice.slice path) other than your Murmur process uses. Make sure for Murmur 1.2.2 you’re also using the .ice file for Murmur 1.2.2.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘InvalidArgumentException’ with message ‘enumerator 5 is out of range for enum ::Murmur::UserInfo’ in …
If you are using Snapshots, you may have to generate your own Murmur.php from the slice file (.ice).
To do this, Ice provides the generator slice2php which you pass the Murmur.ice file. The generated Ice has to be included into MumPI; the easiest way is to just replace the existent classes/Murmur_1.2.2.php file.
You can also try Murmur_1.2.3_snapshot.php
Current MumPI dev version also has a setting for it, so no evil hacking any more. Just change the setting to Murmur_1.2.3_snapshot.php
or place your self-generated file in the classes folder and set it’s name in your settings file.
slice2php -I<pathto>/Ice-3.4.1/slice Murmur_1.2.2.ice
Obviously, replace <pathto>
On Ubuntu, the slice2php binary is in the ice-translators
package. Thus, you can install it via sudo apt-get install ice-translators
Then, place your newly generated file in the <path/to/mumpi>/classes/ directory and specify it in the settings.inc.php
as the $iceGeneratedMurmurPHPFileName