OSD: Editor - KissUltra/wiki GitHub Wiki

OSD Editor can be opened from main menu of the Ultra.

B48 note. You can use your mouse in osd mirror now. Double click on the sensor will open the sensor config menu, and click on context icon (next to back button) will open sensor visibility menu.

There are 2 modes in the editor... When you open editor, you will end up in "browser" mode. You can use UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT to select sensor you want to change. When sensor is selected, you can switch to "move" mode by clicking SELECT. You can also move sensors around with your mouse.

In the move mode, you will have center crosshair for active sensor and small alignment guidelines for inactive sensors. You can change speed of movement using throttle.

You can change parameters of current sensor by HOLD SELECT for 2 seconds. In the sensor menu, you can change its parameters like visibility, alignment, font, proportionality and style. When you done editing, HOLD LEFT for 2 seconds to exit sensor parameters menu.

HOLD RIGHT for 2 seconds for global sensor visibility menu.

There are some (2 for now) presets of the layouts you can use. HOLD UP to access that menu.

If you done with editing, just HOLD LEFT and confirm your changes by selecting CANCEL or SAVE button. You can HOLD LEFT if you want to continue editing.

Tips: The OSD Editor will also work also work for SharkByte (CANVAS) and DJI (CUSTOM LAYOUT) modes. You can use OSD editor WITHOUT LIPO POWER. Ultra will emulate your camera signal and you will be able to edit your osd in the GUI, without overheating your VTX.