Overview - Kirastur/DoorCloserNukkit GitHub Wiki
General Purpose
Close doors automatically after a player has opened them. It also works for trapdoors and gates. The number of seconds the door remains open is configurable. You can limit the scope of the DoorCloser to specific mateials. It also synchronizes double doors (a pair of left-wing and right-wing doors). If for some reason the open is cancelled (e.g. the player has no permission to interact with the door), the door stays untouched.
Usage Example
You have a role-play-world where you want do deliver all players the same experience. If a player comes to a new place, the door there is normally closed. But if he opens it, the next player finds an open door. This is unrealistic for the new player (destroying the role-play). So we need a mechanism to roll back the door-opening before the next player comes. This is done by the automatic DoorCloser.