Configuration - Kirastur/DoorCloserNukkit GitHub Wiki
Time: 5
The Time (in integer seconds) to allow the door to remain open.
IgnoreIfInCreative: true
True if you want to ignore the door when the player is in creative mode.
IgnoreIfSneaking: false
True if you want to ignore the door when the player is sneaking.
PlaySound: true
True if the door/gate/trapdoor closing sound should be played.
SynchronizeDoubleDoor: true
Automatically open and close the second door when you click on one of the doors in a pair.
OptimisticDoubleDoorSync: false
The synchonization of the double door is normally done one tick later than the player interaction event to be sure that the open was not cancelled e.g. by permission or region. But this leads to the effect that in a paired door the second door opens one tick later. To get a better optical effect you can be optimistic and open the paired door at the same time as the original door (and close it just one tick later if the open was cancelled).
IncludeAllDoors: true
IncludeAllGates: true
IncludeAllTrapDoors: true
Next you have to define the blocks (doors, gates, and trapdoors) that you want to auto-close. You have an include-list and an exclude-list. To be minecraft version independend, you have the option to add all materials known by this minecraft version to the include list.
Include: empty
If you decide to add door/gates/trapdoors of a specific type, you can use an additional include list. Enter the material as defined in the Nukkit sourcecode. Unfortunately there is no compresensive list of material names so you have to look in every block to get its name. See You can only add openable blocks here.
- "Acacia Door Block"
- "Birch Fence Gate"
Exclude: empty
If you have added all materials, and you only want to remove a dedicated material, you can use the exclude list. Exclude takes precedence over include.
- "Iron Door Block"
- "Iron Trapdoor"
Materials are ignored by the SynchronizeDoubleDoor-Feature.
Warning: Do not delete or comment-out all blocks from a list. Instead comment-out the list itself.