Business Logic - Kirastur/DoorCloserNukkit GitHub Wiki


The DoorCloser is triggred when a player interacts with a door, trapdoor or gate.


You must define the block-types DoorCloser should care about in the plugin's config.yml.

The following options are customizable:

  • Per default, the DoorCloser ignores the door if the player is in creative mode
  • DoorCloser ignores the door if the player is sneaking (can be enabled optionally)


If all conditions are fullfilled, a timer is started wich closes the door after given amount of seconds.


The DoorCloser checks if the interaction with the door was successfull. If something prevents the door from beeing opened or closed (eg. the player does not have the permission to interact with the door, or another plugin blocks the interaction), the door remains in its original state and the timer is not triggered.


There are no notifications sent to the player.


If the server initiates a shutdow, DoorCloser tries to close all timed doors immediately.


DoorCloser automatically synchonize double-doors (enabled by default).