Editing Town Info - KipperOrigin/TownIndex GitHub Wiki
To edit town info use /[ti/town/townindex] edit (town)
This is just the base command and will not do anything.
List of Edits:
- /ti edit (town) status [Village/Town/City]
- Sets the status of the town. Admin Only
- /ti edit (town) mayor (Mayor)
- Sets the mayor of the town. Admin Only
- /ti edit (town) vmayor (Vice Mayor)
- Sets the vice mayor of the town. Mayors and Admins.
- /ti edit (town) wing (portal wing)
- Sets the portal wing of the town. (Must be a valid portal wing) Mayors and Admins.
- /ti edit (town) location
- Sets the location of the town to the location of the player. Mayors and Admins.
- /ti edit (town) plots [Yes/No/Possibly]
- Sets plot availability of a town. Mayors and Admins.
- /ti edit (town) motd (motd)
- Sets the message of the day of the town. May be multiple arguments. Mayors and Admins
- /ti edit (town) rating (1-100)
- Sets the rating of the town. Admin Only