Project concept - KinectBerlinMeetup/KinectTestFramework GitHub Wiki
This project should help to develop unit tests for kinect v2. Therefore, I would like to provide a TestingFramework with some useful methods, a simple CaptureTool for Kinect-Records and some sample Testcases. These three parts of the Project are described below in more detail. This is currently only my personal Idea and are likely to change in near future. The project is implemented in C# with Visual Studio 13. (Tala, 24.04.2015)
The TestFramework
- core goal
Studio Stuff
- Client creation and management
- KStudioReplay management
Kinect Stuff
- Kinect management
- reader management and frame capturing
- providing frame sequences and single frames
which frames are mockable? rather mocks or wrapper? use mocks in tests or SDK objects?
(Test-Code Generation)
besides sample tests, some test-generation would be interesting to get started and setup everything
The CaptureTool
- simple wpf application
- recording of KinectStudio Files
- Specification of Streams
- Pick file-location with file-chooser
Save single Frames / Frame Sequences
- selection of single frames or frame sequences
- save selection as KinectStudio File (Rerecording?)
Monitor / Replay
The Sample Test Cases
Single Frame Tests
Frame Sequence Tests
autonomous methods Tests
- Uses Playback from Studio
- enables playback from full files and sequences