KinectStudio API Insights - KinectBerlinMeetup/KinectTestFramework GitHub Wiki
This will contain an unsorted bunch of insights that we gathered about the KinectStudio API. (Tala, 24.04.15)
- KStudioPlayback can be started as paused
- KStudioPlayback.Mode can be set as KStudioPlaybackMode.TimingDisabled to change the timing of the events. Events are provided as fast as possible and seems to depend on disposing time of the frames. (aprox. 3x faster)
- Mit Playback.SeekByRelativeTime kann man an eine bestimmte Stelle im Stream Springen?
- Mit Playback.StepOnce bekommt man genau das nächste Event?
- Man scheint nicht mehrere Clients initialisieren zu können?
- Client.CreateRerecording kann File neu Aufnehmen und dadurch kürzen?
Problems and Issues
- Bodyframes are generated based on Depthframes and are not directly stored in .xef-Files. Therefore, all Body-related Data is likely to change over different Playbacks.
- During the first Playback, Framedrops seems to happen, that problem vanish during additional Playbacks.
- No initialisations of Kinect-Frames are possible due to privat constructors. This leads to the problem of Testing without using self-build Classes.
- Testing event-handling is currently difficult because the handling code will not be executed within the same application (???)