Installing a Text Editor - KimonoBoy/SHVDNTutorial-NucleiLite GitHub Wiki

When writing code, it is essential to have a reliable and efficient Text Editor. While the built-in Windows Notepad by Microsoft can technically fulfill this purpose, it is not the best option due to its lack of features and cluttered interface. Instead, it is advisable to use third-party Text Editors that offer advanced features such as syntax highlighting, which can greatly enhance the coding experience by providing better code structure and readability.

Some popular options include Notepad++, Sublime, and Visual Studio Code (VSCode). These Text Editors provide a more user-friendly interface, advanced editing tools, and improved code organization, making them a better choice for code development.

For this Tutorial we'll be using VSCode, but you can use whatever Text Editor you like.


Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

The above Editors are my favorites (VSCode is superior), but you can use w.e. editor you'd like.