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DARI stands for Depth Augmented Reality Interior.

It is implemented by Java, Android Studio.


With the development of online shopping malls, various products can be purchased easily and conveniently through the Internet or applications without having to visit the store directly. However, the furniture may not suit your interior or style, so it still takes a long time to decide the furniture that suits in your house. Therefore, consumers had to decide just by looking at the furniture placed in the offline store or the pictures posted online and imagining if they would fit well in their home.

So, by using AR and Depth, we developed an application that recognizes the surrounding environment and place an image of furniture to decorate the user space.

Key Features

Using ARCore's Depth API among Google APIs, you can determine which object is closer to the AR screen and use it to decorate virtual interiors that are more realistic and three-dimensional than existing AR applications. You can place/delete/rotate/move object or place multiple objects.


DARI-Final Presentation

