How to Use: Editing and Adding Gravity Paths - KillzXGaming/Mario-Kart-8-Blender-Path-XML-Exporter GitHub Wiki

Gravity Paths These do not require any special collision edits like glider paths.

Press T in blender to open the tool tab and go down to the Mario Kart tab.

This option can easily turn lap paths to anti gravity sections. So simply select all the lap paths in the area you want to be anti gravity and press the button!

You can also simply create one with shift + A - mesh - gravity paths.

Now for many tracks you will want to turn and rotate these so these are facing the road's direction. These control the camera.

The way these work is the same as Latiku paths, however these simply set the boundries on what to be anti gravity.

For entire anti gravity tracks simply create 2 paths covering the whole track.

Multiple Gravity Sections

For multiple gravity sections simply select all the paths in the next section to be in a new layer with "M"