Message Files - KillzXGaming/MPLibrary GitHub Wiki

Message Format

Message files are stored in small archives.

Offset Size Type Value
0x00 4 UInt32 NumFiles
0x04 4 * NumFiles UInt32 FileOffsets
0x4 + (4 * NumFiles) 4 UInt32 TotalSectionSize

For games newer than MP4, the offsets must seek file offset + 4.

Message Data

This section is exactly the same as before but instead points to message entries.

Offset Size Type Value
0x00 4 UInt32 NumEntries
0x04 4 * NumEntries UInt32 EntryOffsets
0x4 + (4 * NumEntries) 4 UInt32 TotalSectionSize

For games newer than MP4, the offsets must seek file offset + 4.

Message Entry

This points to a byte (which is always 0x0B) for Mp4 or for newer games a uint. Then followed by a string using UTF8 encoding, or shift jis if using Japanese.