To Do: Templates - Kieranator/BadArma GitHub Wiki
High level plans for the various template missions, what they should include, goals they should achieve, etc.
##Co-op Template
- A simple framework that allows for easy in-game briefing, regardless of the mission. Allows editors to designate an area to teleport to, as well as vehicles to teleport into and individual teleport locations for groups
- A simple framework that allows players to create retreat zones, so missions do not have to end in a fight to the death unless intended.
- Scripts that govern the "must have" features, radios, group markers, etc.
- Scripts that govern extra features, such as JIP support, preset radio configuration, debrief reports etc. These scripts will be iterated upon and cycled in and out as we find better solutions
- Possibly a scripting framework, only if multiple mission editors can agree that it is a "must have" and will suit any mission, regardless of scope or scale.
- Basic win and lose conditions, such as all players dying.
##Adversarial Template
- A game on script that stops players from leaving the starting zone until leaders are ready
- Group markers
- Basic win and lose conditions -- OPfor killed, BLUfor killed, draw, etc.
##JA2 Template
- All characters pre-placed
- All sound-clips included in the template (Maybe tie to a subrepo?)
- Has all the elements required for a JA2 mission to function, SQM file has a retreat zone, possibly a victory zone, preplaced.