Platoon Composition - Kieranator/BadArma GitHub Wiki
Platoon composition can get complicated in Arma. A simulator is never going to be the same as an actual military, nor do we want it to be. This is compounded by low/fluctuating player counts, as well as the multi-role nature of Arma missions, which goes outside the scope of a real military operation.
#For Players Currently our platoon is separated into four-man fireteams, with the leaders of Alpha 1 and Bravo 1 acting as both FTL and Squad Leader for Alpha and Bravo squads respectively. The leader of Alpha 2 and Bravo 2 is only responsible for themselves and their fireteam members. The third squad is a weapons team, consisting of a Team Leader, two Medium Machine-gun teams and two Medium Anti-Tank teams, each consisting of a weapons operator and an assistant for ranging and ammo.
The breakdown of groups is as follows:
Platoon Lead
- Platoon Team Leader
- Marksman
- Medic
Alpha 1 - (A1)
- Alpha Squad Lead / Fireteam Leader
- Machine Gunner
- Asst. Machine Gunner
- AT Rifleman
Alpha 2 - (A2)
- Fireteam Leader
- Machine Gunner
- Asst. Machine Gunner
- AT Rifleman
Bravo 1 - (B1)
- Bravo Squad Lead / Fireteam Leader
- Machine Gunner
- Asst. Machine Gunner
- AT Rifleman
Bravo 2 - (B2)
- Fireteam Leader
- Machine Gunner
- Asst. Machine Gunner
- AT Rifleman
Weapons Squad Lead - (WSL)
- Squad Leader
Medium Machine-gun 1 - (MMG1)
- MMG Operator
- MMG Assistant
Medium Machine-gun 2 - (MMG2)
- MMG Operator
- MMG Assistant
Medium Anti-Tank 1 - (MAT1)
- MAT Operator
- MAT Assistant
Medium Anti-Tank 2 - (MAT2)
- MAT Operator
- MAT Assistant
#For Mission Creators
That's cool, how the hell do I get my mission lobby to look like that? Holy shit this is impossible. Don't worry, we're here to help. However it's not going to get any less painful, because the order you create units determines the order the groups appear in the lobby.
This sucks, and is awful, but there are some ways you can make it easier on yourself.