Mission Design: Ensuring Fun and Quality - Kieranator/BadArma GitHub Wiki
#Table of contents#
Mission Design: Ensuring Fun and Quality
- Keep it simple, don't be overly ambitious
- You are the enemy commander, you are the dungeon master, the curator.
- Static Emplacements, Enemy Vehicles, Special Assets
- Scope of the AO, the mission, the enemy and if the mission is realistically achievable
- Performance
- Expect Competency, don't expect miracles
- Never rush a mission, check, check and check again
- Gimmick Missions Vs. 'Real' missions
- Example basic mission types
#Mission Design: Ensuring Fun and Quality#
Regardless of mission content a mission needs to be designed with the enjoyment of the players in mind. This guide intends to provide hints, pointers and a general mind set that can assist with creating fun and challenging missions.
A common mistake by especially new mission makers is a tendency to create overly complex missions that either surpass their own skill levels or simply do not play aswell in practice as they do on paper. Overly complicated missions can lead to multiple problems, a few examples of which would be:
Severe performance loss - This can be caused by unoptimized scripting or simply too much scripting or enemies
Misinformation, general confusion amongst players on how things should work
Mission going on far too long and due to above problems, unenjoyable for everyone involved.
Keep focused, keep it simple. Boil your mission idea into a handful of concepts instead of a pile of them and instead spread the ideas across multiple mission types so you can get a feel for what works and what doesn't. If you're just starting as a mission maker keep your idea as simple as possible, it's hard to do this as everyone wants to make their magnum opus but starting with an overly complex mission will only lead to anguish, burn out and probably a broken mission.
An extremely helpful technique for mission making is to put yourself in the shoes of the enemy commander. When making a mission you establish rules for the players to abide by in the form of limiting their equipment and at the same time you need to establish rules for the enemy.
Decide on the enemies equipment, numbers and experience early and put yourself in the shoes of the commander. What is the enemies objective? Are they defending a position? How can they use the terrain to their advantage? Are they aware that the players are attacking? What equipment, support or reinforcements are nearby?
A common mistake in mission making is something that can be attributed to (but not necessarily) laziness where the enemy is haphazardly scattered around the AO with absolutely no regard for what they're actually supposed to be doing there. A mission where the enemy is formless, random and nonsensical is a bad mission as all it does is discourage those commanding the mission as they cannot plan for enemy movements. Similarly spawning enemies inside the AO (especially in places where the players have already moved through and cleared) is possibly the worst idea in existence.
Good missions require you to hand place and hand design many elements of it. Do not rely purely on scripted AI solutions. In a 'patrol/clear' a town mission, teleporting yourself to the town itself and running through it looking for places where you would set up a machine gun or set up an over watch position is a very simple way of improving a mission. Similar to regular AI placement, placing such assets in pointless or random spots will either defeat the purpose of the assets deployment.
Place enemies to provide a compelling and interesting engagement while at the same time do not 'meta-game' your own mission in an attempt to fuck over the players. You are creating a mission to be played not to get-off at the displeasure and suffering of others.
Apply some basic logic when deciding on what weapons are available to the enemy and how they employ them. Nobody (including insurgents) are dumb enough to stick two HMG right next to each other in a completely exposed position, nor would they put any other kind of static asset (such as an ATGM) near it. Such assets are extremely valuable and need to be spread across the area of operations not piled in front of a single avenue of attack.
Enemy vehicles are hard to balance, a singular vehicle could lead to an entire mission being wiped out while in another play-through could be destroyed ten times over without incident.
When considering the inclusion of an enemy vehicle you must have an understanding of the vehicles strengths and weaknesses. If you decide on the vehicles inclusion by saying 'wouldn't it be cool if...' then you are adding it for the wrong reasons. Adding in a roaming patrol of Apache Gunships when the players are dirt farmers driving a pick up truck with bald tires is not a situation anyone can hope to succeed in except by sheer luck and/or stupidity on the AIs part. Do not at any point think because a vehicle is 'old' that it cannot absolutely wreck shit. A T-34 is just as fearsome against infantry as an T-72 would be.
Players need multiple ways of dealing with enemy vehicles just as they have multiple ways of dealing with enemy infantry. Relying purely on say a player vehicle (IE a tank or IFV) to deal with enemy vehicles is a big mistake. Because once that vehicle dies suddenly the players have no means of defeating the enemy and having a mission hinge purely on a single asset is bad design. If you absolutely need to have your mission work this way, just force the players to retreat at this point instead of having an unwinnable situation drag out.
Approach these kind of design decisions as a (good) RTS would where units 'hard' counters and 'soft' counters. An example would be an enemy helicopter gunship, a hard counter of which would be a Jet as it's extremely unlikely for a helicopter to survive being strafed by a jet and even more unlikely that the helicopter could shoot it down (unless it's flown by Liquid Snake). MANPADs or dedicated anti-air equipment is also another hard counter but can be easily dispatched by a helicopter. Soft counters would be static HMGs and failing that, small arms possessed by infantry (AR, Rifles, clutch RPG-7 shots etc). If your mission is relying purely on soft counters make sure you realize the difficulty involved and adjust the mission accordingly.
Special Assets include assets that don't necessarily fall under the previous two categories. For example, a jet or mortar would be considered a special asset as typically the player has no way of directly dealing with them (except for killing the mortar crew). Special assets need to be strictly limited, while a mission maker might be tempted to create a brilliant Michael Bay-esque light show of explosions and gore it can get old very fast and drag a mission out as people are continually wounded. Employ such assets sparingly
Shooting down even a low-flying jet is very difficult even with dedicated AA weaponry, do not presume that the players will be able to achieve such a feat.
Keep in mind that even if the players have helicopters or fast transports available to them, a mission AO spanning across 5km is going to make for a long mission. Keep this in mind when designing your objectives or deciding on your mission content. An average mission should only last around an hour and a half, if your mission is lasting longer than that (unless caused by a failing of the players) consider redesigning it.
Similar to previous sections, ensure that the player and enemy are using equipment appropriate for their mission. Infantry Fighting Vehicles were designed to be used in open field warfare alongside mechanized infantry, so are suitable for fighting in such areas. If your mission is based around close quarter fighting in a city and you have given the player an IFV or Tank please consider reading up on the Chechen war and why this is a bad idea. This does not mean you CAN'T make these scenarios but you need to grasp the difficulty for the players to succeed and balance your mission accordingly.
A mission can be designed as a 'last act of desperation' in mind but the mission needs to feel that way for the players. They need to feel that they almost had the enemy, they were just barely out of reach of achieving their goal. They never should feel that they've been 'cheated' or 'stomped into a pulp'. A mission should be created with achievable goals, if your mission concept is so ridiculous that any sane person would immediately desert instead of taking part in it, you need to rethink the concept.
A few examples of missions that would be thrown out and the officer responsible fragged are:
Infantry Platoon Vs. Tank Battalion in an open field, in Germany.
Dirt Farmers Vs. 500 people in a single building
The Little Hind That Could Vs. A Thousand Shilkas
Combined Arms in Ambush Alley where everyone has an RPG
Let's make one thing clear, ARMA runs like a dog. The game has a lot of crap going on in the background that causes a lot of CPU overhead but performance in ARMA is a tricky beast and a lot of performance problems are caused by poorly optimized missions. It's extremely common in the ARMA community to blame the engine for multiple mission design problems.
A very common problem is too many enemies in a small area - You can have 600 enemies on the map moving around and the game will run perfectly fine, but if you jam 300 of them into a 1km squared urban area shit is gonna run REAL bad. This is due to the CPU intensive nature of AI in combat and while Bohemia have made a lot of improvements in this area, it's still really bad and should be avoided whenever possible. Usually mission makers have these sort of enemy numbers in order to increase the difficulty of the mission but ironically when performance drops from this, it has the tendency to do the complete opposite as if the mission is performing badly on clients chances are is running like shit on the server aswell and the worse the server performs, the worse the AI performs. This makes them dumber, slower to react as the game tries to keep up.
Another common problem is poorly optimized scripting. Scripts as a mission maker are both your best friend and your worst enemy, you need to know when and how to employ them and try to avoid using them if they're not needed. Without going into too much detail, ARMA has two scripting 'engines' that have their own purpose and understanding this purpose is important for both basic and advanced scripting(but especially for the latter). The two engines are Non-scheduled (Called) and Scheduled (Spawned), the main difference between the two is Called scripts have the highest priority and subsequently run the best but are linked directly to the games simulation. What this means in lame-man terms is that if you're running a poorly optimized script in a non-scheduled environment it can and will cause micro-stutters where the entire game will lock up. Regardless, whenever possible you should be scripting in a non-scheduled environment as when done properly it will have the lowest impact on performance.
Scheduled scripts run on their own thread independent of the games simulation, despite this they actually have the more noticeable performance problems of the two. Poorly optimized scheduled scripts can lead to serious frame rate loss and also cause 'script lag' as all scripts that run in a scheduled environment will run slower from the performance loss. This was a significant issue for mods like ACE2 for ARMA 2 where poorly optimized scripts in a scheduled environment could lead to their wound system completely breaking as it would be stuck in time dilation and was part of the reason ACE3 moved to a completely non-scheduled system.
The best way to avoid these problems is to avoid using an excessive number of loops, this includes 'while' and 'waituntil' loops. Trigger conditions are also loops and so are addactions. This isn't to say you should remove all loops from your mission but rather you need to optimize them and understand that unless you set it to run otherwise, the condition will be checked every frame. There's multiple tricks to simplify condition checks and optimize them (Lazy evaluation is one of the best) but the very best way is to understand the performance cost. Stuff like 'nearestobject' etc is extremely costly and should never be run every frame.
Expect that the players will be competent, expect that prior to the mission adequate recon of the area was done and design the mission around that. This is discussed in detail in how to write a briefing: https://github.com/Kieranator/BadArma/wiki/How-to-write-a-Briefing
This is an extension of what was previously discussed in regards to 'hard counters' in the static weapon section of this guide. While it's very much possible for a player to shoot down a helicopter with their automatic rifle or with a lucky AT rocket it's not a common thing, it's a 'miracle'. These are probably one off things that happened due to sheer luck and should not be treated as something people can actually achieve reliably. Balance your mission with this in mind.
Something that comes up a lot is missions get rushed, people want to get their mission out as soon as possible and due to lack of time or over-enthusiasm, put the cart before the horse and end up with a broken mission that could have been avoided if testing was done on it prior to going live.
If you are relying on complex scripts, please test your mission thoroughly prior to the actual session. Testing it in the editor is not enough, test it on a dedicated server.
This has become more of an issue in Arma 3 than it was in Arma 2 but it seems gimmick missions are not being held to the same standards as a real missions are, and I don't mean by the players.
Gimmick missions are not supposed to be taken too seriously, so when a mission maker makes it balls to the wall harder than a typical 'real' mission it's not going to be fun for anyone involved. Just because the players are going to relax and take it easy doesn't mean the mission maker can make stupid mistakes that lead to an unfun, unenjoyable mission.
Expect the players to be less organized so the difficulty should be adjusted accordingly.
#Example basic mission types#
Note that various elements can be combined together to get unique combinations of objectives and such.
Maintain security, protect against infiltrators. Infiltrators
could be:
Enemy recon units
Enemy saboteurs
Enemy sniper teams, anti-tank, or anti-air.
Enemy agents disguised as civilians or friendly units
Can take place over very large areas, with significant distance
between squads, IOT cover more ground in a presumed lower-threat (ie, insurgent) theater
Movement to contact
- Enemy is known to be in a given area, plan is simply to move
into that area until their location can be determined. At that point, typical course of action is to fight.
- Enemy is known to be in a given area, plan is simply to move
Recon patrol
- Scout out enemy assets without making contact. Generally an ARG
concept for lower playercounts.
- Scout out enemy assets without making contact. Generally an ARG
Recon in force
- Same as recon, except with much larger units, intent is to
acquire intel and do general recon tasks, with the bonus that direct action can be taken if the situation permits. If a weakness is found, it can be immediately exploited.
- Same as recon, except with much larger units, intent is to
Attack fortified position
Deliberate attack against a known and guarded enemy location.
Enemy has emplaced weapons, sandbags, bunkers, wire, etc.
Friendlies have more AT assets than typical, such as SMAW teams,
IOT destroy bunkers and make breaches.
Friendlies also have demolitions to breach walls and demolish
Destroy enemy personnel, vehicles, equipment, etc
Generally behind enemy lines
Infiltrate to ambush point, conduct ambush, exploit or withdraw
May gather intel from ambushed troops. Maps, journals, etc.
Can use a recon team to draw enemies away from their position
and into a prepared killzone consisting of the platoon
Defend own unit
Defend specific structures/areas
Defend personnel/civilians
Special features:
Deployable defenses
Deployable mines, flares, motion sensors, etc
Prevent enemy from passing through friendly position and onto a
specific area.
Time is a factor. The more time the enemy is delayed, the
higher the chance for success.
- Ex: If a town is being evacuated, must delay until that
is complete, else casualties occur
- Ex: If a town is being evacuated, must delay until that
May be able to trade ground for time. ie, fall back to
secondary and tertiary positions.
Special features:
Deployable defenses
Deployable mines, flares, motion sensors, etc
Destroy or capture enemy personnel, equipment, installations,
Free friendly POWs
Concluded by disengagement and withdrawal
Destroy or sabotage key enemy facility/asset.
Targets can include:
Supply vehicles. Ammo, food, fuel, etc.
Grounded aircraft.
Other vehicles.
Air defense assets
Radar installations
Anti-aircraft artillery
SAM sites
Artillery assets
Artillery batteries
Mortar positions
Firefinding radars
Arty/mortar ammo supply
Communication facilities
Radio installation
Radio relays
Enemy wire
Supply facilities
Ammo dumps
Fuel station/dumps
IED factory (counterinsurgency)
Chemical facility
Nuclear facility
Power station
Police station or government building (insurgents)
Sabotage can include:
Tapping communications
Planting time-delay explosives
Contaminating fuel
Poisoning food
Lowering radar performance
Tactical recovery of aircraft & personnel (TRAP)
Basically, USMC Combat Search & Rescue. Happens whenever an
aircraft goes down.
Process is roughly:
Determine crash site
Land TRAP team
Post security
Recover and treat casualties
May not be in immediate vicinity of crash site
May need to use emergency beacons to track down
casualties in nearby hiding areas
Enemy may have acquired a beacon to use to lure TRAP
personnel into a...... trap. Oh sweet irony!
Evacuate casualties
Demolish or recover aircraft remains
CH-53 would be great for this
Time-sensitive capture
Secure an objective within a certain amount of time, else
enemies will destroy objective to prevent capture
- Alternatively, the objective could be a person or vehicle
that will only be in an area for a specific amount of time. If too slow, it leaves the area.
- Alternatively, the objective could be a person or vehicle
Examples are the same as in "Demolition". Typical example from
historical perspective would be a bridge capture.
Hostage rescue also falls into this category
For insurgent-based missions, recovery of
counter-insurgent-forces ("Good guys") gear could be part of this. ie:
Captured MANPADs
Captured uniforms, weapons
Captured vehicles
Captured personnel
Nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons
Movement to the rear while bringing all supplies, vehicles,
personnel, casualties, etc with
Can be time-sensitive. ie, enemy forces on the way, their point
elements arrive partway into it, fighting starts, heavier elements start showing up, etc.
May need to fight to a position IOT withdraw people there, such
as civilians or an encircled unit. May need to improvise transport of such civilians, ie with local vehicles.
- Surrounded unit must pick a direction to breakout, attack that
direction, and fight free of their encirclement, bringing along as many supplies, casualties, etc as possible.
- Surrounded unit must pick a direction to breakout, attack that
Protect specific units, vehicles, etc, while they move somewhere
Examples of things to protect:
Supply convoy
VIP (tribal leader, religious leader, key military
figure, etc)
##Getting there##
Boots & utes
Generally the smallest mission scope due to difficulty in
transiting large areas in a reasonable period of time. "Smallest" can still cover several KM of terrain, however.
Resupply of ammunition and medical gear becomes a factor
Vehicles include:
Allows broader mission scope due to increased mobility.
Allows for heavier opposition due to mounted CSWs
Require special care to ensure that the mission remains
challenging despite their relative power
Special features -
Ability to repair vehicles that have become disabled due to
blown tires etc
Scripting to prevent immediate catastrophic kills from IEDs
and other hits
Vehicles include:
- Can be used to allow for a LAR mission style - light
armored recon - with attached scouts and such.
- Can be used to allow for a LAR mission style - light
- Can be used to give great mobility and firepower to
- Can be used to give great mobility and firepower to
Similar scope to motorized missions, with the additional
possibility of traversing bodies of water due to amphib nature of AAVs and LAVs
Even heavier opposition can be encountered thanks to greater
arms and armor
Require extra special care to ensure that the mission remains
challenging despite their power
Special features -
Ability to repair vehicles that have become disabled due to
blown tires etc
Scripting to prevent immediate catastrophic kills from IEDs
and other hits (zx/kevb0)
Boats include:
- Used in recon role, infiltration, sabotage, etc.
- Protect other boats, and can provide a better defensive
capability when moving into hot waters
- Protect other boats, and can provide a better defensive
Civilian boats
- Infiltration purposes
Ship-to-shore combat movements.
CAS and NGF used to provide cover during transition.
Similar mission scope to footmobile if using single
landing point. With multiple coastal objectives, scope can become larger. Same if AAVs are used.
Broadest possible scope, can take place all over a
large terrain.
Troops can be landed in a variety of different LZ approaches, as
described in TTP2
Introduces the possibility of:
Light CAS provided by helo door guns
Resupply via helo
Reinforce via helo
CSAR aspect if a helo goes down
Parachute, HALO or standard, into enemy territory IOT conduct
a mission. Similar mission scope to footmobile, with the caveat that the drop zone can end up very broad, such that the initial positioning of forces is broader
General end-state is with airborne troops having secured
objectives and assumed a defensive posture while other friendly forces push up to relieve them.
Possible sub-missions:
Attack fortified position
Time-sensitive capture
Lay mines
Airfield capture
Bridge capture
Sow confusion
##Overarching story##
Counter-insurgency operations
Gathering intel on insurgent activities, locations, future
plans, etc
Acting on intel via raids, attacks, etc
Protecting assets from insurgent attack
Key local infrastructure
Friendly FOBs, outposts, etc
Hearts & Minds with the local population
Relief operations such as food/water delivery
Medical aid to locals
EOD of UXO in civilian areas
Acting on civilian intel
Collateral damage a big concern
Full-scale war
Can be themed as modern war, near-future, or past wars, with
corresponding influences on weapons, mission types, comm structures, etc.
Modern war:
Standard ST comms
Unit tracking
Modern weapons with modern optics
Past war:
Restricted comms (radioman only)
Restricted or non-existent unit tracking
Older weapons, less ammo/magcount, ironsights
Different platoon structures
Insurgency operations
SF-type stuff, but without the training, budget, or support
Capturing supplies
Kidnapping personnel
Destroying infrastructure
Hit-and-run attacks
##Spice objectives##
Find intel
Map board
- Take some time to 'recover' it
- Take time to download data
Mass graves
- Take time to collect evidence
Map showing troop dispositions
- Must check enemy inventory to find
Take a POW
- Field interrogation could result in new objectives
Search for friendly MIA
Downed aircraft
Compromised SF
- If recovered, could give intel on enemy
Search for enemy officer or person of interest
Capture or kill
If kill, recover 'proof', or take body back
If capture, extract from area alive
Destroy enemy supplies
- Alternatively, sabotage them
Interfere with enemy communications
Destroy comm gear
Place jamming devices within range of enemy comm gear
Tap comms and give false orders through them
Divert a patrol
Get a camp to send their reserve guards to the wrong side,
opposite of where they are about to be attacked/infiltrated
Capture enemy gear
Weapon system
Bad intel resulting in:
Enemies in positions other than expected
Enemies have heavier assets than anticipated
Heavy enemy reinforcements
Gas attacks
Updated intel mid-mission.
Reveals new objective, requiring quick action to exploit
opportunity, such as:
Weakness in enemy positions
Enemy unit withdrawing from their positions
Enemy unit attempting to reinforce a defensive position
Supply convoy underway
Sudden discovery of AA asset where it was thought clear
prior (MANPADs, Zu23s, etc)
Reveals new hostile forces, requiring a change of plans to
account for things like:
Mech unit rolling into the area
Motor unit bringing up reinforcements
Footmobiles entering AO
Gives new assets, such as:
UAV support
Satellite support (ie, DB infrared)
Takes away asset, or places restrictions on it. Examples:
Artillery limited to what it can do, due to needing to
conserve ammo or due to priority targets elsewhere (ie, other plt in contact or similar)
CAS has an issue preventing it from being optimal:
Takeoff delay for whatever reason (arming, incident at
airfield, etc)
Loiter time reduced by fuel (simulating an a/c having a
long flight time to a given area). ie, 20 mins of loiter before RTB.
ROE changed to where heavy assets cannot be employed in a
given area due to collateral concerns
Movements required take unit out of artillery coverage fan
Adjacent units require urgent assistance, requiring change of plans
(ie, QRF). Could be a sister platoon needing help, or a downed aircraft, or civilians in danger, etc.
Urgent need to get an intel item to "higher HQ", requiring command
to detach a group to take the intel to an LZ, or drive vehicles back to a FOB, etc. Intel could reveal new objective or otherwise change how the remainder of the mission plays out.
Enemy attack behind friendly lines
Unexpected development forces friendlies to fight in multiple
Could be airborne, footmobile, mech/motor, etc
Civilians are mixed into an area, collateral damage a concern
Restricted ROEs due to concerns about civilian property damage
Synchronization necessary to accomplish a task. Failure results in
harder task, but generally not mission failure.
Multiple objectives must be hit within a given period, or
simultaneously, else the enemy will be alerted
Complementary effects - ie, infantry must take out AT assets to
allow supporting armor to assist, or AA assets to get air support