How to build and install brightness on your Solus - KibuKuhn/brightness GitHub Wiki

  1. Make sure you have added the System Tray app
  2. Install Java Development Kit 11: Search openjdk-11 in the repo 1.1 Beware! This "installation" does not work out of the box. Read the Help Center to fix that
  3. Install Apache Maven: Search apache-maven in the repo
  4. Create a folder in your home directory, e.g. install
  5. In the project page hit the green Code button and select Download ZIP
  6. Unzip the file into folder install. You will get folder brightness-master
  7. Go to folder brightness-master and open a terminal
  8. Invoke mvn install. You (hopefully) will see BUILD SUCCESS
  9. Go to folder target
  10. You should now have brightness-1.0.0.jar
  11. Invoke java -jar brightness-1.0.0.jar
  12. You should now see brightness36.png in the system tray
  13. Right-click on the icon to open the settings menu
  14. Click Help to open the help menu
  15. Click Exit to exit the app
  16. Uninstall maven (in case you don't need it for something else)
  17. Create a folder brightness e.g. in your home directory
  18. Copy brightness-1.0.0.jar,, brightness36.png, brightness36_filled.png into this folder
  19. Delete folder install

Create a starter

  1. Install alacarte from the repo
  2. Select a menu and create a new entry
  3. Under Command select path to in the brightness folder
  4. Select brightness36.png (or brightness36_filled.png in case you have a dark theme) in the brightness folder as application icon
  5. Press OK
  6. Best you let start the app automatically when you log in