Front end Routes - Khiienu/EZReads GitHub Wiki
GET /home
Loads the home screen with selection of all games available.
GET /login
will show the user the login pagePOST /login
will perform the login validation
GET /signup
will show the user the signup pagePOST /signup
will allow the user to signup
GET /game/:id
will show the individual game once clicked on.POST /game/:id
will allow the user to post their reviews/rate
GET /profile/:id
Should display three gameshelves(Want to play/ Have played/ Currently Playing), with three to five games shown at random. -
POST /profile/:id/
Allows the user to click one of the three game shelves to redirect them to the individual shelves -
GET/POST /profile/:id/want_play
GET/POST /profile/:id/have_played
GET/POST /profile/:id/currently_playing
- The GET routes will display all the games on this shelf
- The POST routes will add a game to the shelf
GET /search
is passed two parameters (system and genre), both of which accept null- Displays all games, filtered by each parameter passed