Feature List - Khiienu/EZReads GitHub Wiki
Home Page
- Displays a random selection of games and/or bookshelves on load
- Login/out button, navbar, etc
- Description
- Cover picture
- Genre
- System originally released on
- All Reviews for the game
- Button to add to a Game Shelf for currently logged in user (hidden if no user logged in)
- BONUS: average rating based on reviews
- BONUS: Multiple genre and system tags for each game
- Users can log in / out
- Game Shelves belonging to the user
- All reviews written by the user
- BONUS: "Compatibility Rating" percentage between users as an inverse relation of the deltas in their review scores on games they own
Game Shelves
- Game Shelves belong to users
- "Want to Play" shelf
- "Played" shelf
- "Currently Playing" shelf
- Display the list of games marked on each category
- Review score of a game by the user
- List of games by selected genre
- Click-through to individual game pages
- BONUS: Filter by system
- List of games by selected genre
- Click-through to individual game pages
- BONUS: Filter by genre