why do I care about data - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

Software is kind of an important in our society and economy.. One of the core reasons for this is the amount of data it allows us to get and use.

My interest is rooted in helping poor people be less poor (see raison d'agir). In doing anything, we use data. If I get up and buy bread for my hungry neighbor, I've used the data that "they are hungry" to determine that I need to do it, and the data that "bread is effective for helping hungry people" to decide that I should buy some bread. In addition to all this, I will likely think of where to get bread at a reasonable price, might consider the nutritional value of the bread, where to get the bread, how to most efficiently get the bread to the hungry person, and if/when/how often to continue this activity. I use data to decide if they are the most vulnerable person I can help. I use data to decide if they should be working. (see Thessalonians 3:6-18)

I do not believe we should draw an arbitrary line at the "typical" amount of data we use to make decisions when helping people. We sure as heck don't do this when its our money on the line (see Business). Yet I feel as if this is often what's done.

Thus I think its well worth the time to become an effective data professional, and to constantly think about how to use data personally, in society, and in business to make all people's lives better, especially the poor (details again at raison d'agir)