sed - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


sed '1,5/find-me/' input_file.txt

Can create a sed script with:

#!/bin/sed -f


You can edit something different than your match:

sed -n '/matched-text/s/old-text/new-text/g' input-file.txt

# On any line containing "matched-text", substitute "old-text" for "new-text"

Expression Options

  • /g - global
  • /p - print affected lines
  • /I - case insensitive

CLI Flags

  • -f - Reads script from file
  • -n - Supress unaffected areas

Special characters

  • ' - Hide shell variables
  • " - Expand shell variables
  • () - Execute a statement
  • : - Set a label
  • &1 - First match

Search types

  • s/ - Substitute pattern
  • d/ - Delete pattern
  • y/ - Character replacement

Can contain ranges:

  • 1,5s - Substitute within the first and fifth lines


  • /c - Change line
  • /d - Delete line
  • /i - Add line above
  • /a - Add line below