lodash - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • Collection - Array, object, or string
  • Iteratee - Invoked for every element, returns something
  • Predicate - Returns true or false
  • Comparator - Returns -1, 0, or 1
  • Where-style callback - Passing an object to match, using &&
  • Pluck-style callback - Passing a string to match



  • find - Find a matching element: String value, where object, or function
    • findLast - Get the last element returning true for predicate
    • findIndex - Get the index of the first matching element
    • findLastIndex - Get the index of the last matching element
    • indexOf - Get the index of a matching value
    • lastIndexOf - Get the last index of a matching value
  • last - Get the last element
  • nth - Get the element at an index
  • findKey - Get key of matching object
    • findLastKey - Get key of last matching object
  • endsWith - Checks if a string ends with a string
  • min / max - Find the object with the most/least, value or function

Chopping Up Collection

  • take - Get n elments from the beginning
    • takeWhile - Get elements from the beginning until condition is met
    • takeRight - Get elements from the end until condition is met
    • takeRightWhile - Get elements from the end until condition is met
  • chunk - Splits an array into sized chunks
  • first / head - Get the first element
    • initial - get all but the last element
  • tail - All but the first elment

Transform Collection

  • map - Transform each element in an array
    • flatMap - Maps a collection and flattens the result
    • flatMapDeep - Flattens deep
    • flatMapDepth - Flattens to specified depth
    • invokeMap - Calls a method for each item in a collection
  • reduce - Accumulate a collection
    • reduceRight - Accumulate a collection starting at the end
  • groupBy - Creates an object where the keys are groups returned by an iteratee, takes a pluck-style callback, or a function returning a key to group on
    • Good for running reports
  • keyBy - Create an object where the keys are determined by an iteratee
  • partition - Split a collection into items that return truthy/falsy for a predicate

Transform Array

  • flatten - Flatten arrays 1 level deep
    • flattenDeep - Flatten arrays recursively
    • flattenDepth - Flatten arrays n levels deep
  • zip - Group an array of values by object
    • unzip - Create an array of values by property
    • unzipWith - Create an array of values by property, specify how properties are combined
    • zipWith - Create an array of values by object, specify how properties are combined
    • zipObject - Create an object with keys
    • zipObjectDeep - Create an object with keys, supports using paths
  • concat - Combine arrays
  • fill - Fill all elements of the array with a value
  • fromPairs - Make an object from key-value array pairs
  • reverse - Reverse order (mutates)
  • join - Turn into a separated string

Transform Object

  • toPairs / entries - Make an array of key-value pairs from object
    • toPairsIn / entriesIn - Include inherited properties
  • mapKeys - Change all the keys of an object
    • mapValues - Change all the values of an object
  • pick - Get only matched properties from an object
    • pickBy - Get properties where the predicate returns true
  • omit - Get everything but matched properties from an object
    • omitBy - Get everything but properties that match a predicate
  • transform - Reduce, but for objects, iterates over properties
  • invert - Swap keys and values
    • invertBy - Swap keys and values with a supplied transformation
  • castArray - Converts to a collection

Transform Number

  • clamp - Constrain number with upper and lower bounds
  • min, max, minBy, maxBy, ceil, floor, sum, sumBy, mean, meanBy, round
  • add, subtract, divide, multiply

Transform String

  • escape, escapeRegExp
  • startCase, camelCase, capitalize, kebabCase, lowerCase, lowerFirst, upperFirst, snakeCase, toLower, toUpper, upperCase
  • replace, template
  • repeat
  • pad, padEnd, padStart, trim, trimStart, trimEnd
  • parseInt, split
  • deburr - Remove diacritical marks

Transform Between

  • toArray, toFinite, toInteger, toLength, toNumber, toPlainObject, toSafeInteger, toString


  • filter - Get an array of all elements returning truthy for predicate - function, property to check, where-style callback
    • reject - Remove all elements returning truthy for predicate
    • where - Return all matches for an object
  • compact - Removes all falsey values
    • Useful for plucking out properties
  • pull - Remove all elements matching value (mutates)
    • pullAll - Remove all elements matching values, like difference
    • pullAllBy - Remove all elements matching values, accepts function or string for key to compare
    • pullAllWith - Remove all elements matchings values, accepts a comparator
    • pullAt - Remove and return all elements at indexes
    • remove - Remove all elements matching predicate, like filter
  • without - Remove all matching values
  • remove - Remove values matching predicate
  • slice - Get a subset of an array
  • uniq - Get unique values, takes a property string or function
    • uniqBy
    • uniqWith
    • sortedUniq - Optimized for sorted arrays
    • sortedUniqBy - Optimized for sorted arrays
  • drop - Drops elements from beginning
    • dropWhile - Drop until condition is met
    • dropRight - Drops elements from end
    • dropRightWhile - Drops elements from end until condition is met


  • every - Returns true if all elements in the collection return true for predicate
  • includes - Returns true if a collection contains a match
  • some - Returns true if at least one of the elements is truthy for the predicate
    • Useful for pre-flight checking an expensive calculation
  • eq, gt, lt, gte, lte
  • isEmpty
  • conformsTo - Checks if properties conform to rules
  • isArray, isArrayLike, isArrayBuffer, isArrayLikeObject
  • isBoolean, isNan, isFinite, isInteger, isFunction, isLength, isMap, isNative, isNil, isNull, isNumber, isObject, isObjectLike, isPlainObject, isRegExp, isSafeInteger, isSet, isString, isTypedArray, isUndefined, isWeakMap, isWeakSet
  • isMatch - Partial comparison
    • isMatchWith - Partial comparison, custom comparer
  • eq - Compares values
    • isEqual - Deep comparison
    • isEqualWith - Custom comparison
  • inRange - Checks if a number is in range

Set Operations

  • difference - Get values from one array that aren't in others- get all matches
    • differenceBy - Accepts a property or function returning the string to compare with
    • differenceWith - Accepts a comparator
  • intersection - Get values that are in all arrays
    • intersectionBy - Accepts a property or function returning the string to compare with
    • intersectionWith - Accepts a comparator
  • union - Get unique values from all arrays
    • unionBy - Accepts a property or function returning the string to compare with
    • unionWith - Accepts a comparator
  • xor - Returns elements that aren't in all arrays
    • xorBy - Accepts a property or function returning the string to compare with
    • xorWith - Accepts a comparator


  • shuffle - Randomize the order of a collection
  • sortBy - Sorts a collection by a property, accepts string or function, accepts an array for multiples
    • sortedIndex - Lowest index you can insert at and maintain sort order, use with splice
      • sortedIndexBy - Accepts a function or string for property to look at
      • sortedIndexOf - sortedIndex, but the array should already be sorted
      • sortedLastIndex - Highest index
      • sortedLastIndexBy
      • sortedLastIndexOf
    • Is immutable, unlike .sort()
  • orderBy - Sort, specificying sort direction


  • each / forEach - Standard loop, early exit by returning false
    • forIn - Only own properties
    • forOwn - Only own properties
    • eachRight / forEachRight - Standard loop, backward
  • forOwn - Objects, no inherited properties
    • forOwnRight - Objects, no inherited properties in reverse
  • forIn - Objects, also inherited properties
    • forInRight - Objects, also inherited properties in reverse
  • range - Make an array with a range of numbers
    • rangeRight - Reverse


  • countBy - Iterate through a collection and count the number of times a given property is returned
  • size - Get the size of a collection
  • sample - Get a random element
    • sampleSize - Get random elements
  • random - Generate a random number

Build Object

  • create - Create an object with a particular prototype
  • assign - Combine objects, clobbering from left to right. Mutates.
    • assignIn / extend - Also inherited properties
    • assignWith / extendWith - Customizes the assignment
    • assignInWith - Also inherited properties, customizes the assignment
  • defaults - Doesn't clobber
    • defaultsDeep - Recursive
  • merge - Also inherited properties, recursive, doesn't clobber if undefined
    • mergeWith - Also inherited properties, recursive, doesn't clobber if undefined, customizes the assignment
  • clone - Shallow clone
    • cloneWith - Shallow clone with customizer
    • cloneDeep - Deep clone
    • cloneDeepWith - Deep clone with customizer

Object Properties & Methods

  • at - Get all properties at particular paths (eg. "someProperty.someOtherProperty[dynamicProperty]")
  • get - Get a property at a particular path (eg. "someProperty.someOtherProperty[dynamicProperty]"), with default
  • result - Get property at a particular path, invoking it if it's a function
  • has - Check if an object has a path
    • hasIn - Check if an object or its prototypes have a path
  • set - Set the value at a path
    • setWith - Set the value at a path, accepting a customizer for the path
  • update - Set, but accepts a function to change the value
    • updateWith - Set, but accepts a function to change the value, accepting a customizer for the path
  • unset - Remove a property, mutates
  • invoke - Invoke the method at a path of an object
  • keys - Get the keys of an object
    • keysIn - Get the keys of an object and its prototypes
  • values - Get the values of an object
    • valuesIn - Get the values of an object and its prototypes
  • functions - List functions declared on the object
    • functionsIn - List all functions, owned and inherited