YUIDoc - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • Install globally with npm -g yuidocjs
  • Run with yuidoc .
  • Save options with yuidoc.json including project description, etc.
  • Every source tree must have one module, every module must have at least one class
* Overall description
* [@type-of-thing] [thingName]
* [@part-of-thing] {[part-type]} [part-name] Description of part


  • Primary blocks- every comment block is one of these:
    • module - [name] - group of related classes
    • main - [name] - after module to indicate it is the primary module
    • class [name] - should be be above all things it owns, followed by constructor or static
    • method [name] - goes right above method, followed by params and return
    • event [name] - has params that hang off the event
    • property [type] - after each property in a class
  • Secondary blocks- these are used in a primary block:
    • param {[type]} [optionalName](/KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge/wiki/optionalName)|[name] [description] - Can nest with dot.syntax.
    • return {[type]} [description] - return value
    • async - Method is asynchronous and requires a callback
    • chainable - returns this, so can be chained
    • example [code-example] - Syntax-highlighted usage example


  • constructor | static - Can instantiate or not
  • namespace [name] - Allows you to use simple class names without modules
  • extends | uses [class-name] - Links back to parent documentation. Multiple uses.
  • final | readOnly | writeOnce - Whether it should be modified
  • throws {[type]} [description] - indicates the kind of error a method throws
  • private | protected - private won’t have documentation generated


  • type [type] - Indicate type for a property
  • default - After a type to indicate a property’s default.


  • deprecated [Instructions] - Will be removed
  • since [version] - Indicates that it was added in this version
  • beta - might break compatibility in the future



* This is the description for my class.
* @class MyClass
* @constructor


* My method description.  Like other pieces of your comment blocks, 
* this can span multiple lines.
* @method methodName
* @param {String} foo Argument 1
* @param {Object} config A config object
* @param {String} config.name The name on the config object
* @param {Function} config.callback A callback function on the config object
* @param {Boolean} [extra=false] Do extra, optional work
* @return {Boolean} Returns true on success


* My property description.  Like other pieces of your comment blocks, 
* this can span multiple lines.
* @property propertyName
* @type {Object}
* @default "foo"