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Don't whine, don't complain, don't make excuses- that may sound corny, but think about who you become if you abide by them. Make each day your masterpiece. Your character is what you are, your reputation is just what people think you are. Don't make up for it by working twice as hard tomorrow- if you were capable of that, why aren't you doing it now? Doing something for someone that they can do themselves weakens them. Run your team like you run your family. Parenting, coaching, and teaching are all the same thing. Striving for perfection is not an impossibility. Be sincerely interested in people, not just how they do their job. You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you react. Winning is a by-product of hard work, not the product itself. Something can not work out without being wrong. Attention to small details is preparation. It is best not to drink too deeply from a cup full of fame- it is intoxicating, and intoxicated people do foolish things. Respect every opponent- don't fear them. Hustle makes up for many mistakes. Learn from a loss, and try not to lose the same way twice. Fame is someone else's illusion, don't let it become yours too. Real competitors love tough circumstances.

Hard work creates the opportunity for you to be lucky. Adversity creates the opportunity for you to learn things you wouldn't otherwise. Hurrying ensures mistakes- be quick instead. Measure yourself by what you should have accomplished, given your abilities. Winning isn't the mark of success- you don't control whether you win. Envy hurts you, not the person you're envious of. Ability can take you to the top, but character keeps you there- otherwise you lose discipline. Persistence is more important than talent. Being able to move quickly can make up for a lot of mistakes. Balance making a living and making a life, and develop that in your people too. As a teacher, you won't know if you did a good job for years. It's better to travel hopefully than arrive.

Prison guards have authority, but they're not leaders. Anybody can offer a suggestion, but not everyone can make a decision. To get respect, you have to give it first. No one watches the clock under people they respect. Treating someone fairly doesn't mean treating them equally. Most people can withstand adversity; to understand someone's character, give them power. There are a lot of ways to win- how do you want to live your life? The only goal of discipline and criticism should be improvement, not punishment. The worst punishment is taking away the privilege of the work. You're better off letting your opponent spend time trying to figure you out than make assumptions about what you think they'll do- then you're prepared for any eventuality. At any particular level, there is little difference in operational knowledge- the ability to teach and motivate others is what sets teams apart. You work with people, you don't "handle" them. Your reaction to how you win or lose is an important part of the game. The same drill may impact different students differently. Every member of the team deserves to feel wanted. The four laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, and repetition. You have no control over criticism or praise, don't let it affect your work. Care about your people as individuals as much as you do about their work. When even the wins aren't fun, it's time to walk away.

Success is peace of mind that is the direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing ou did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. Without enthusiasm, you can't work up to your fullest ability. Making a friend of an enemy destroys the enemy. For every contrived emotional peak you create, there is a subsequent valley. Self-control provides emotional stability and fewer valleys. Success requires patience. If you do not have the time to do it right, when will you find the time to do it over? Never make excuses; your friends don't need them, and your foes won't believe them.