TypeScript - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • Every project should have a tsconfig.json that says where the src files are, where the build files should go, what browsers should be targeted, etc.
  • tslint is deprecated in favor of eslint
  • Prefer local ts installations
    • `npm i -D typescript @types/node


  • Built-ins - number, boolean, undefined, string, object (non-primative)
    • null and undefined are legal values for any other type (disablable)
  • New types:
    • :any - Disables type checking
    • void
    • Arrays: can be done as number[] or Array<number>
    • Tuples: let x = [string, number, string]
    • Enum: enum Color {Red, Green, Blue}
      • Keeps numeric values
      • let color: Color = Color.Green; // 1
    • never: Errors, things that should never be called
    • ReadonlyArray<TypeGoesHere>: No mutation methods


Don't need to declare the object has having implemented the interface.

interface Person {
    name: string;
    optional?: boolean; // Optional property
    readonly dontWriteMe: string; // Like const for properties
    [propName: string]: any; // Any other properties

function announcePerson(person: Person) {
interface SendMessage {
    (recipient: Person, message: string): void
let messageFunction: SendMessage

messageFunction = function(recipient: Person, message: string): void {


Comes after

const { old: new } : { old: number} = { old: 1 }

Type Assertions

Make a type (like any) more specific.

let aString: any = "hey";
let aStringLength = (aString as string)


let aString: any = "hey";
let aStringLength = (<string>aString).length;



  • --strictNullChecks - Saves a lot of headaches


  • When importing modules, use npm i -D @types/package-name to use prebuilt type definitions
    • If it doesn't exist, put the following in a file to declare it as any:
// package-name.d.ts
declare module "package-name";
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