Shell Scripting - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • #!/bin/bash - Tell what shell to use to execute the script if flagged as executable.
    • If not executable, specify the shell to run it. bash <script_name>
    • Add flag with chmod u+x <script_name>
  • Script must be in the PATH variable to work. pwd ; echo $PATH
  • # - Comment
  • echo - Print to screen (-e = allow formatting flags)
    • \b - Move cursor back one space
    • \c - No new line after print
    • \f <number> - Force a specific horizontal location on the next line
    • \n - Newline
    • \t - Tab
  • Use history <number> > <script_name> to stub out a script.
  • Time formats:
  • %d = day, %y = 2-digit year, etc.
  • $1-$9 are CLI arguments at runtime
  • read <variable_name> will prompt a user for input.
    • Used in script with $varible_name
  • sh -x <script_name> displays each line for debugging
  • UNIX-Loops & UNIX-Conditionals
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