RULES AND PRACTICES - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

These apply to The Hopper


  • Active Question - A question I am interested in answering with resource and contemplation. This should be the question I regularly direct thoughts towards as well.
  • Resource - A thing with information in it - AKA, a segment of content.
  • Subject - See the right hand menu. MUST be one of these subjects, with an Interesting Questions and Resources section


  • no more than 3 resources in progress per subject.
  • resources should be relatable to each other.
  • resources should relate to an active question
  • there should only be 1 question active for each practice

Practice rules:

  • each practice should be assigned to one subject
  • each subject with a practice should be assigned an active question (Guide ALL content consumed in depth toward one of these questions!)
  • before moving the practice to a new question and pausing on the currently active question, which should happen frequently, you should write a longer wrap up -
    • place all artifacts (notes, projects, recordings) on a relevant or new page or place
    • CAREFULLY CONSIDER making public facing content, if relevant


  • The Daily - For each weekday that is not Friday, for one hour, consume a resource.
    • a small 10 minute wrap up should follow
  • The Deep Dive - For each Saturday I have free
    • Consider taking the Saturday off if burning out (Sunday sabbath is NOT optional)
    • Newsroom - for 15 minutes up to one hour, read the news and understand it. Take notes relevant to current or previous Deep Dives. (see
    • Deep dive! check the Deep Dive page for next material to read
    • wrap up with an activity - notes, painting, coding, singing, walking, whatever helps you sum up what you learned today..
  • The Quarterly super retro
    • Each quarter, where I retro everything, I should also review this page and the practices/notes