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Harrison XT-DC Drum Character

Used to shape transients in drums. Watch the graph, and set the range for the attack of the drum and the decay of the drum. You can shelf or peak EQ each of them separately to fatten, sharpen, thin, or dull a drum.

Harrison XT-BC Bass Character

An EQ, but for the character of all notes- not just the notes at those specific frequencies. Set the markers at the fundamental and the harmonics. Great for combining a DI and an amp. Enchance the bark, growl, or bite. Fixes difficiencies or creates artistic effects.

Harrison XT-DS De-esser

Threshold control is between meters- adjust until you see gain reduction. Bands can be soloed. Slower attack times let some sibilance through, which can sound more natural. Auto-solo can help with adjusting parameters.

Harrison XT-EG Expander/Gate

Reduce background noise, isolate drums. Depth is amount of gain reduction. Graph show gain reduction over time. Hysteresis allows the gate to stay open, if there's a momentary dip below the threshold. Expander mode is for increasing dynamic range, reducing breath noise. You can side-chain frequencies to the detector.

Harrison XT-EQ Equalizer

You can click and drag to make a curve, or right-click and drag to clear a curve.

Harrison XT-ME Mastering Equalizer

Hover over a band and adjust with the mouse wheel, or paint a curve with a click-drag. Hold shift to "smooth over" the curve. Has extremely steep filters. Takes much more CPU that the XT-EQ.

Harrison XT-MC Multiband Compressor

Used for fixing problems- controlling low end, cleaning up badly miked vocals, de-essing, and overall mix balancing. Start by adjusting the master threshold, then bring the individual thresholds down to match the signal. You can then use the master threshold to tweak the overall compression amount. Fast attacks weaken transients, fast releases are more transparent, slower release increases sustain. Attack, release, and knee are for minimizing artifacts.

Harrison XT-LC Lookahead Compressor

Great for being aggressive with really dynamic sources, like acoustic guitar. Try another compressor first, but if you can't tame it without pumping, this is the one you want. It's really transparent.

Harrison XT-TG Tom Gate

Learns toms, and learns spill by looping over a region. Discriminates based on frequency.

Harrison XT-SC Spectral Compressor

Bring the threshold down to match the level. Compress each frequency band separately. You get 6 depth controls that can be spread across the full frequency range, or parts of it.

Harrison GVerb+

Presets get brighter when you start getting close to one of them. GVerb+ has a reverb with a high-cutoff and a low-cutoff, and you can blend between them. Dry and wet solo are momentary.

Harrison Triple-Delay

Has a left, right, and a summed delay tap. You can control the feedback from the L/R to the sum, vice-versa, between the left and right, or between themselves. There's also a global feedback control. Damping controls how much high-frequency rolloff happens over time.

Harrison Dyno-Mite

One-knob transient shaper. Makes something either punchier or smoother.

Harrison Micro-Glide

Detune adds width, delay adds depth. Great for solo instruments.